[TYPO3] CoolUri: Value of an extension-parameter as part of the URL, but problems with special chars like inverted comma

lee perry leeperry at slack.de
Thu Mar 27 22:21:21 CET 2008

hey jan,

thanx for your help.

>> i'm using CoolUri and use the value of a parameter of an extension as 
>> part of the url - the problem is, this value is a string and so it 
>> could be a string like "O'Reilly" - and now i have the problem with 
>> the inverted comma. because of this inverted comma i've got three 
>> sql-errors:
> I guess this extension should take care of removing unwanted characters 
> before putting it into typolink function. Or at least typolink should do 
> the job.

it's a searchword so the user can write in a input-field a searchword 
and this will send to the extension and will display the results of the 
search in a list. and cooluri will take this parameter - so on which 
point should i remove the unwanted characters?

>> or any other ideas to solve the problem?
> Well, I guess you can create a little hack.
> <part>
>       <parameter>tx_myextension_pi1[sword]</parameter>
>       <lookindb>
>         <to>SELECT $1</to>
>         <t3conv>1</t3conv>
>       </lookindb>
>     </part>
> put this into uriparts.

so i used it, but had to change it a little bit in the <to>-node:

<to>SELECT "$1"</to>

so it works for me now with inverted commas and space character :) (not 
with  quotation marks - but it's ok)

thanx again jan!

bye and greetings

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