[TYPO3] I loss the "right-click" menus

henri delebecque henri.delebecque at supelec.fr
Fri Jun 6 08:08:22 CEST 2008


from times to times, without a relationship to a special action (the 
last occurence was juste after a template modification), I encounter 
the loss of the right-click menu on every page of my site, on every 
tool I try.

I have the following configuration:
- Typo 4.2.0
- Context sensitive help extension 1.1.0 (supplied in the distrib)
- Extra Click Menu Options 0.1.0 (same)
- htmlArea RTE 1.7.4 (added)
- Import/export 0.3.0 (distrib)
- Internal notes 1.1.2 (distrib)
- System langage labels 0.3.0 (distrib)
- TSConfig 1.1.0 (distrib)
- TYPO3 CMS Frontend 1.1.0 (distrib)
- Versioning management 1.2.0 (distrib)

- Database sync 0.10.0 (Added)
- Help 0.1.0 (distrib)
- Tools >Config 1.2.0 (distrib)
- Tools >Install 0.1.0 (distrib)
- Tools>Log 0.2.0 (distrib)
- Tools>User Admin 0.3.0  (distrib)
- User>Setup 0.1.0  (distrib)
- User>Task Center 0.2.0 (distrib)
- Web>Func, Wizards 0.2.0 (distrib)
- Web>Func, Wizards, Create multiple pages 0.1.0 (distrib)
- Web>Func, Wizards, Sort pages 0.1.0 (distrib)
- Web>Info, Page TSconfig 0.1.0 (distrib)
- Web>Template  0.1.0  (distrib)
- Web>Template, Constant Editor 0.1.0 (distrib)
- Web>Template, Info/Modify 0.1.0 (distrib)
- Web>Template, Object Browser 0.1.0  (distrib)
- Web>Template, Template analyzer 0.1.0  (dtsrib)
- Web>View  0.1.1 (distrib)
- CSS styled content  0.4.0  (distrib)
- RealURL: URLs like normal websites 1.3.4  (added)
- Template Auto-parser 	automaketemplate 	0.1.0  (added)
- TYPO3 System Services 1.1.0  (distrib)
- TYPO3 skin

French localization.
To restore the normal bahaviour, I have tried the following things:

- I have build a brand new install, that uses the same typo-src 
directory: it works
- I have putted into it my old database: the menus remain
- I have putted again my extensions: the menus remain
- I have putted into it my fileadmin directory: the menus remain.

I have currently two parallels directroy:
- a cms one, with operative menus
- a bad-cms one, with non operative menus,
both share the same database (i don't use them simultaneously, of 
course, and I'm the sole user)

I will greatly appreciate any help, or information on the way to 
follow to detect the origine of the problem.
Thanks a lot
best regards

| Henri Delebecque (henri.delebecque at supelec.fr)
| Docteur en Sciences
| Professeur - Webmaster
| Tel :  33  (0)
| Supelec
| 3 rue Joliot-Curie
| Plateau de Moulon
| Fax:  33 (0)
| 91190 Gif sur Yvette

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