[TYPO3] navigation menu display problem

LinTong pcu84424 at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 3 19:35:45 CEST 2008

hallo everybody
I want to have a navigation menu which looks like:
Homepage / Organisation / level3 / level 4 / currentlevel
the typoscript:
lib.topNav = HMENUlib.topNav.special = rootlinelib.topNav.special.range = 0lib.topNav.1 = TMENUlib.topNav.1 {        noBlur = 1        NO.linkWrap = |&nbsp;/&nbsp;|*||*| |        NO.stdWrap.htmlSpecialChars = 1        CUR = 1        CUR.allWrap = <span>|</span>        CUR.doNotLinkIt = 1}**********
It works fine in IE but in firefox it have a strange problem. Homepage works fine.Organisation, level3, level4 looks like a link but you can not click them.one can click the "O" of the Organisation but can not click the other letter of organisation. 
the source code in firefox
<ul><a href="index.php?id=1" >Homepage</a>&nbsp;/&nbsp;<a href="index.php?id=cetest_firstpage" >Organisations</a>&nbsp;/&nbsp;<a href="index.php?id=21" >level3</a>&nbsp;/&nbsp;<a href="index.php?id=23" >level4</a>&nbsp;/&nbsp;<span>Institute 1</span></ul>
the source code in IE
<A href="index.php?id=1">Homepage</A>&nbsp;/&nbsp;<A href="index.php?id=cetest_firstpage">Organisations</A>&nbsp;/&nbsp;<A href="index.php?id=21">level3</A>&nbsp;/&nbsp;<A href="index.php?id=23">level4</A>&nbsp;/&nbsp;<SPAN>Institute1</SPAN>
thanks very much
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