[TYPO3-english] problem with exr: pdf_generator2

Patrik paprikb at gmail.com
Tue Dec 9 15:58:36 CET 2008


I use the extension pdf_generator2 but I don't know how configure pdf page
with header and footer.

My TS:
temp.exportpdf = COA
temp.exportpdf = IMAGE
temp.exportpdf {
file = fileadmin/pdf_icon.gif
stdWrap.postUserFunc = tx_pdfgenerator2->makePdfLink
stdWrap.postUserFunc.target = _blank

pdf_generator {
     stylesheet = fileadmin/pagepdf.css
     10 = TEMPLATE
     10.template = FILE
     #10.template.file = fileadmin/pagepdf.html
     10.workOnSubpart = BODY
     10.marks.CONTENT = CONTENT
     10.marks.CONTENT {

          table = tt_content
                select {
                  orderBy = sorting
                  where = colPos = 0
                  languageField = sys_language_uid


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