[TYPO3] Content condition

Stephan Petzl spetzl at gmx.at
Tue Aug 26 12:42:54 CEST 2008

>> Another point is the structure of the documents:
>> if i want to know something about "globalVar" conditions, i dont want 
>> to read through the "globalString" section (i probably even dont know 
>> what a "globalString" is...)
> But thats what  reference is! When you go to wikipedia (or any other 
> reference like a dictionary or an encyclopaedia) and you're reading 
> about "cars" it doesn't have a discussion there about the internal 
> workings of a diesel engine - you'd have to go look that up else where ;-)

I think that misses the (my) point.
if i go to wikipedia and search for cars then i will find details about 
cars there. i will not have to look under "globalString" or "globalCars" 
  ;) for more information.

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