[TYPO3] TS-problem: add dynamic id to params.select

Christopher Torgalson bedlamhotel at gmail.com
Sat Aug 2 19:28:02 CEST 2008

Bert Hiddink wrote:
> Hello,
> Please have a look a this TS-snippet:
> ...
> 20 = FORM
> 20.layout = <div style="margin: 3px;"> ###FIELD### </div>
> 20.params.select = id="combo_0" onChange="change(this);"
> 20.data (
>   radius | {field:map_id}_radius=select | 10=10, 25=25, 50=50
>   unit | {field:map_id}_kilometers=select | *miles=0, kilometers=1
>   city | {field:map_id}_city=select | *San Jose=San Jose, Bbbb, bbb
>   | {field:map_id}_submit=submit | Submit
> )
> 20.data.insertData = 1
> 20.no_cache = 1
> 20.noValueInsert = 0
> This works just fine except that the 'id="combo_0"' should be dynamic 
> for every new select (id="combo_0", id="combo_1", id="combo_2",...)
> How could I achieve this? Is there a kind of "count"-variable available?
> Many thanks in advance for your ideas!!!!

If you make sure that "20.accessibility" and "20.dontMd5FieldNames" are 
both set to 1, you should have predictable id attributes on all form 

There is, as far as I know, no way to dynamically 'count' inside 
20.params.select (since .stdWrap is not available, and it's not 
processed like TEMPLATE cObjects). Possibly some of the more advanced 
form extensions have features that would be of use to you…

Christopher Torgalson / bedlamhotel at gmail.com

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