[TYPO3] The use of itemsProcFunc

Jeppe Donslund jd at webmasters.dk
Mon Sep 24 22:45:00 CEST 2007

Something very mysterius is happening.

After chosing something in the selectbox i Save and i FE my changes are 
shown very fine. But when I want to edit the post again, nothing is 
shown in the selected bx to the left.

How can that be?

"crossreferences" => Array (		
			"exclude" => 1,		
			"label" => 
			"config" => Array (
				"type" => "select",	
				"foreign_table" => "tx_wmpfvideos_videos",	
				"foreign_table_where" => " AND tx_wmpfvideos_videos.pid = 
###CURRENT_PID### ORDER BY tx_wmpfvideos_videos.person",	
				"size" => 10,	
				"minitems" => 0,
				"maxitems" => 10,
				"itemsProcFunc" => "tx_wmpfvideos_db->crossreference",
				"itemsProcFunc_config" => array(
					"table" => "tx_wmpfvideos_videos",
					"sortField" => "person",
					"indexField" => "title",
					"pid" =>  "###CURRENT_PID###",

Jeppe D.

Tomas Mrozek skrev:
> 1. Create PHP file for a class + function (class.tx_wmpfvideos_db.php).
> 2. Create class (tx_wmpfvideos_db) + function (crossreference) in that 
> file.
> 3. Include the file in ext_tables.php: 
> include_once(t3lib_extMgm::extPath($_EXTKEY).'class.tx_wmpfvideos_db.php');
> 4. Set 'itemsProcFunc' => 'tx_wmpfvideos_db->crossreference'
> Tomas Mrozek

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