[TYPO3] Need help with TMENU and expAll...

Timothy Patterson tjpatter at svsu.edu
Wed Oct 3 21:14:45 CEST 2007

I have a very specific need due to the client I work with...  I'll do my 
best at explaining what I need to implement.

Here is my Typo3 page tree:

+ Web Site
  - Home
  + Data (Shortcut page to first subpage - non-clickable)
    - 2006, 2007
    - 2005, 2006
    - 2004, 2007
  - Links
  + Staff (Shortcut page to first subpage - clickable)
    - About Us
    - Contact
  - Resources

The way I have my menus set up, they are working as you would expect... 
  If a user clicks on Data or Staff the corresponding subpages are 
shown.  No problems there.

My issue is that my client wants the Data section to always be expanded 
no matter what page the visitor is on.  This could easily be solved 
using expAll, however my client does not want the Staff section to be 
expanded unless it is clicked on, and they are very strict on this - 
they will not change their minds on it.

Since the pages are on the same level of the page tree, is there a way 
that I can set certain pages to always be in the ACT state (thus showing 
them as expanded)?

I really need some help with this one...  I have consulted the TSRef, 
etc. and haven't found anything that could help me out other than 
possibly writing a custom function to do this for me.

It would be GREAT if a page had a setting in the backend where you could 
specify whether or not it is to always show as expanded in the 
backend...  (**sigh**)

All of my menus are TMENUs with <ul> and <li> wraps, with sub-menus 
using nested <ul>'s inside of their parent <li>'s...

Any / All help would be greatly appreciated!!!

Thanks in advanced!
Tim Patterson

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