[TYPO3] How do I customise the login form created with New Frontend Login form?

Stephen Bungert s.bungert at metrinomics.de
Mon Nov 12 19:12:23 CET 2007

I have installed the plugin, styling of it doesn't seem to work and I 
want to create my own form.


The above page seems to say you can chnage the template form using 
templateFile property

I added the following to my template but it doesn't seem to do anything:
plugin.tx_newloginbox_pi1.templateFile = 

Also the default value listsed: EXT:newloginbox/res/newloginbox_00.html 
doesn't exist for me. It's not in the extensions folder. newloginbox 
exists but there is no res folder and no file called newloginbox_00.html.

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