[TYPO3] additional field in sr_feuser_register v2.5.5

a owen aowen at swissonline.ch
Mon Feb 19 23:44:33 CET 2007


i followed the instructions for adding a field (systemlanguage) but
nothing is happening with the markers. they dont get removed or replaced
no matter what i do. the rest works fine. i've attached the extension.

thanks for help

de_phpot.client = 1

plugin.tx_srfeuserregister_pi1 { 
  pid = 22
  confirmPID = 24
  editPID = 23
  registerPID = 5
  confirmType = 0
  linkToPID = 2
  loginPID = 1
  defaultCODE = CREATE
  formFields =
  requiredFields = username,password,email,date_of_birth,language
  enableEmailOnDelete = 1
  enableEmailOnUpdate = 0
  enableEmailConfirmation = 1
  enableEmailOnApprove = 1
  enableAdminNotifyOnDelete = 1
  useMd5Password = 0
  enableAutoLoginOnConfirmation = 1
  enableHTMLMail = 1
  enablePreviewRegister = 0
  enablePreviewEdit = 0
  forceFileDelete = 1
  linkToPIDAddButton = 0
  file.icon_delete = EXT:sr_feuser_register/pi1/icon_delete.gif
  passwordAtLeast = 1
  usernameAtMost = 15
  usernameAtLeast = 1
  passwordAtMost = 20
  autoLoginRedirect_url = 2
  maxImages = 1
  userGroupUponRegistration = 1
  userGroupAfterConfirmation = 2

  parseValues.language  = multiple
  overrideValues {
    language = German

# Default PAGE object:
page = PAGE
page.typeNum = 0

# Copying the content from TEMPLATE for <head>-section:
page.headerData.10 < temp.headTemplate

# Copying the content from TEMPLATE for <body>-section:
page.10 < temp.mainTemplate

plugin.tx_srfeuserregister_pi1 {
 templateFile = fileadmin/template/registration.htm
 _LOCAL_LANG.en.date_of_birth = Date of Birth (dd.mm.yyyy):
 _LOCAL_LANG.de.date_of_birth = Geburtsdatum (tt.mm.jjjj):
 _LOCAL_LANG.de.evalErrors_date = Bitte geben Sie ein g&uuml;ltiges
Datum im Format tt.mm.jjjj ein!
 _LOCAL_LANG.de.evalErrors_date_informal = Bitte gib ein g&uuml;ltiges
Datum im Format tt.mm.jjjj ein!
 _LOCAL_LANG.en.systemlanguage = System language
 _LOCAL_LANG.de.systemlanguage = System-Sprache
 _LOCAL_LANG.en.missing_systemlanguage = Please select a System

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