[TYPO3] rtehtmlarea formatblock button is empty

Bing Du bdu at iastate.edu
Mon Nov 27 17:29:20 CET 2006


Typo3 V4.0.2
rtehtmlarea 1.3.7 (typical mode)

On the backend, the palette pops up fine with defined colors (as defined
in the following Page TSConfig) for both text color and background color
buttons.  But the formatblock button is empty.  The formatblock button
showed the dropdown list (heading 1, heading 2, Preformatted, etc.) fine
in Typo3 V3.8.1.  It became empty after we upgraded from 3.8.1 to 4.0.2. 
Same Page TSConfig was used in 3.8.1 and now in 4.0.2.

Anybody know why?  Thanks in advance!

Page TSConfig in the root page.

RTE.colors {
  c1 {
  value = ...
  name = ..
RTE.default {
        ## Default RTE configuration
        skin = EXT:rtehtmlarea/htmlarea/skins/default/htmlarea.css
    contentCSS = fileadmin/templates/css/some.css
        enableWordClean = 1
        useCSS = 1

        showStatusBar = 1
        showButtons = *

        hideButtons = fontstyle,fontsize,blockstyle,textstyle
        hideTableOperationsInToolbar = 0
        disableContextMenu = 0
        disableSelectColor = 0
        disableTYPO3Browsers = 0
        disableEnterParagraphs = 0
        hidePStyleItems = *
        hideFontSizes = *
        hideTags = font, font (full)
        disableColorPicker = 1
        classesCharacter = mainText, headText, zitat, headTextTimes
        showTagFreeClasses = 1
    colors =
        ## Default proc rules
        proc {
                ## TRANSFORMATION METHOD
                overruleMode = ts_css

                ## LINES CONVERSION
                dontConvBRtoParagraph = 1

                internalizeFontTags = 1

                ## TAGS ALLOWED OUTSIDE P & DIV
                allowTagsOutside = img,hr,span

                ## TAGS ALLOWED
                allowTags = table, tbody, tr, th, td, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5,
h6, div, p, br, span, ul, ol, li, pre, blockquote, strong,
em, b, i, u, sub, sup, strike, a, link, img, nobr, hr,
center, font, tt, q, cite, abbr, acronym

                ## TAGS DENIED
                denyTags >

                ## ALLOWED P & DIV ATTRIBUTES
                keepPDIVattribs = class, style, align

                ## CONTENT TO DATABASE
                entryHTMLparser_db = 1
                entryHTMLparser_db {

                        ## TAGS ALLOWED
                        allowTags < RTE.default.proc.allowTags

                        ## XHTML COMPLIANCE
                        xhtml_cleaning = 1

                        ## AVOID TO HSC TWICE
                        htmlSpecialChars = 0

                        ## CLEAN TAGS
                        tags.hr.allowedAttribs = class
                        noAttrib = b, i, u, strike, sub, sup, strong, em,
quote, blockquote, cite, tt, br, center

                        ## REMAP B AND I TAGS
                        tags.b.remap = strong
                        tags.i.remap = em

                        ## PROTECT CUSTOM TAGS
                        keepNonMatchedTags = protect

RTE.config.tt_content.bodytext < RTE.default

## front end RTE configuration
RTE.default.FE < RTE.default
RTE.default.FE.showStatusBar = 0
RTE.default.FE.hideButtons = chMode


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