[TYPO3] Showstopper for IE: RealURL and Named Anchors within the same page

ben van 't ende [netcreators] ben at netcreators.com
Tue Nov 21 17:09:18 CET 2006

Joerg Wagner wrote:
> Sorry, the text got garbled, so here I go again:
> ---------------
> Hello world,
> I am really stuck and hope for your help.
> I have seen quite some people requesting help on this problem, but they
> often did not describe the exact circumstances of the problem, and so
> failed to get a solution. I try to describe the problem in detail. Hopefully 
> you
> are able to read all this stuff.
> Here we go:
> Situation:
> *   Typo3 4.0.2 installed
> *   RealURL installed
> *   config.baseURL set to http://www.mydomain.com/
> *   This generates a base tag in the header of the page:
>    <base href=http://www.mydomain.com />
> Needed:
> *   A link at the bottom of each page that jumps back to the
>     top of the page.
> *   To do this, there is a named anchor
>     <a name="pagetop"></a>
>     at the top of each page
> *   and a link at the bottom of the page of the form:
>     <a href="#pagetop">To Top!</a>
> Problem:
> * The link works fine in FireFox, but Internet Explorer fails to
>     jump to the top of the page.
> Reason:
> Some tests show that IE uses the url given in <base href=""> to resolve any
> links that contain ONLY a named anchor in href, e.g. <a href="#pagetop"> .
> In combination with RealURL and the config.baseURL setting this leads IE to
> jump to:
> http://www.mydomain.com#pagetop
> while it should jump to
> http://www.mydomain.com/REALURL/ALIAS/PATH/#pagetop
> This __could__ be circumvented by prepending the links href with the fully
> qualified URL of the current page, or at least with the RealURL alias path
> of the address in the form of
> <a href="/REALURL/ALIAS/PATH/#pagetop">To Top!</a>
> But whatever I try to get that path in front of #pagetop, it is filtered out
> by Typo3, as long as I refer to the url of the current page.
> For example I tried:
>     # NO GO...
>     page.10 = TEXT
>     page.10.typolink.parameter.data = field:uid
>     page.10.typolink.section = pagetop
>     page.10.typolink.returnLast = url
> But the result is just "#pagetop". The RealURL alias path only appears as
> soon as I try to address a page different from the current page, e.g.:
>     # THIS WORK...
>     page.10 = TEXT
>     page.10.typolink.parameter = 123    <--some existing page uid!
>     page.10.typolink.section = pagetop
>     page.10.typolink.returnLast = url
> In this case the result is  REALURL/ALIAS/PATH/#pagetop
> Whatever I try - as long as I address the current page, Typo3 filters out
> the alias path from my links href and the jump to the named anchor fails
> in IE.
> I would GREATLY appreciate some help on this one!

Hi Joerg,

You must be looking for "config.prefixLocalAnchors = all" in TS setup.


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