[TYPO3] tt_news and RSS

Nino nkatic at jagor.srce.hr
Mon Nov 20 17:13:52 CET 2006


I'm having trouble configuring the page to show rss feed (XML). I'm using 
tt_news rss feature.This is my simple example TSetup:

plugin.tt_news {
  displayXML {
    # rss091_tmplFile = EXT:tt_news/res/rss_0_91.tmpl
    # rdf_tmplFile = EXT:tt_news/res/rdf.tmpl

    # atom03_tmplFile = EXT:tt_news/res/atom_0_3.tmpl

    # atom1_tmplFile = EXT:tt_news/res/atom_1_0.tmpl

    rss2_tmplFile = EXT:tt_news/res/rss_2.tmpl

    # possibile values: rss091 / rss2 / rdf / atom03 / atom1
    xmlFormat = rss2

    xmlTitle = example.com: Latest News
    xmlLink = http://example.com/
    xmlDesc = Latest News
    xmlLang = en
    xmlIcon = fileadmin/tt_news_article.gif
    title_stdWrap.htmlSpecialChars = 1
    title_stdWrap.htmlSpecialChars.preserveEntities = 1
    subheader_stdWrap.stripHtml = 1
    subheader_stdWrap.htmlSpecialChars = 1
    subheader_stdWrap.htmlSpecialChars.preserveEntities = 1
    subheader_stdWrap.crop = 100 | ... | 1
    subheader_stdWrap.ifEmpty.field = bodytext
    xmlLastBuildDate = 1

    xmlnews = PAGE
    xmlnews {
      typeNum = 100
      10 >
      10 < plugin.tt_news
      10.pid_list >
      10.pid_list =  2
      10.singlePid = 3
     ### important part here!! ###
      10.categoryMode = 1
      10.categorySelection = 2
     ### important part end ###
      10.defaultCode = XML
      config {
        disableAllHeaderCode = 1
        additionalHeaders = Content-type:application/xml
        no_cache = 1
        xhtml_cleaning = 0

If i try to show the page i get:

Error: The page is not configured! [type= 0][]

I have included static template News-feed so i don't know what's wrong.. and 
idea? Thx


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