[TYPO3] Content migration from legacy cms (EZ Publish)

R. van Twisk typo3 at rvt.dds.nl
Sun Nov 12 15:04:09 CET 2006

Valery Romanchev wrote:
> Hi Amiran
> I do migration on one large site with 3500 news items and 200 pages.
> I put news and categories table in the typo3 database, then write some 
> SQL, to migrate categories and news
> I add some fields to tt_news table for more easy migration and make 
> short field to be with Rich Text Editor (by simple typo3 extension).
> INSERT INTO tt_news (`uid`, `pid`, `tstamp`, `crdate`, `cruser_id`, 
> `title`, `datetime`, `short`, `bodytext`, `w_id`, `w_partition`, 
> `w_catalog`, `w_sort`)
> SELECT `id` , 101, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`date`), 1, 
> `caption` , UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`date`), `short_text` , `full_text` , `id` , 
> `partition` , `catalog`, `sort`
> FROM `w_article`
> WHERE `catalog` = 0 AND partition = 14;
> Then I write some SQL to clean up HTML code
> UPDATE tt_news SET bodytext=REPLACE (bodytext, "<?xml:namespace prefix = 
> st1 />", "");
> UPDATE tt_news SET short=REPLACE (short, "&nbsp;", " ");
> UPDATE tt_news SET bodytext=REPLACE (bodytext, "<st1:PersonName>", "");
> UPDATE tt_news SET bodytext=REPLACE (bodytext, "</st1:PersonName>", "");
> UPDATE tt_news SET bodytext=REPLACE (bodytext, "<st1:personname>", "");
> UPDATE tt_news SET bodytext=REPLACE (bodytext, "</st1:personname>", "");
> All this was for news.
> I migrate pages by hand (copy/paste), because 200 pages is not so much 
> and structure of pages is difficult to do migration by script
> Regards,
> Valery Romanchev
> www.typo3lab.com

Hey Valery,

this might be something for the typo3 wiki!!
Good to know that it can be that 'simple'...


Ries van Twisk
Freelance Typo3 Developer
=== Private:
email: ries at vantwisk.nl
web:   http://www.rvantwisk.nl/freelance-typo3.html
skype: callto://r.vantwisk
=== Work:
email: ries at livetravelguides.com
web:   http://www.livetravelguides.com

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