[TYPO3] my typoscript is faulty ... but where?

Cate & Peter catepeter at optusnet.com.au
Fri Nov 10 05:27:11 CET 2006

Hi all


I am trying to code up in typoscript the same sort of functionality as found
in the "top content" plugin (which I can't get to work :S)


Everything is fine, except I am trying to retrieve some page content and I
think I must be using the wrong field.


I was using tt_content's "bodytext" field - but that was only retrieving one
word, not a snippet of content.


I am wondering if it is getting stuffed up becs of using TV and having
elements in elements.


The pages that are being retrieved are ok .. and the section headers. Now,
how can I get the content?


Thanks for any pointers,





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