[TYPO3] How to access a specific plugin function?

Matthew Manderson matthew at manderson.co.uk
Thu Mar 23 19:18:21 CET 2006


I am trying to move my user class script into an extension class but now I
can't access my methods/functions.

Any ideas which doc I need to read to figure out how to access a specific

# this inserts the whole class
page.10.subparts.orderForm < plugin.tx_orderFormMM_pi1

# this calls a specific method/function of a user class
page.10.subparts.orderForm.userFunc = user_orderForm->showButtons

# neither of these call my method from the ext?
page.10.subparts.orderForm = plugin.tx_orderFormMM_pi1->showButtons
page.10.subparts.orderForm < plugin.tx_orderFormMM_pi1->showButtons


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