[TYPO3] modern template building 2 - problems

tapio tapio.markula at dnainternet.net
Wed Mar 8 09:53:25 CET 2006

> I started to read MTB2+3 tutorial in order to figure  out how to set and 
> work with multiple templates. I'm having some troubles at start of the 
> tutorial. On pages 15 to 17 there are instructions on how to change 
> files named ext_tables.php and 
> class.tx_tmplselect_pages_tx_tmplselect_main_tmpl.php in order to get a 
> selection box for the main and content area templates.

> After I've changed these files I can't log into the dummy package 
> anymore. I've been getting this message:
> Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_REQUIRE_ONCE in 
> /var/www/dummy-3.8.1/typo3conf/ext/tmplselect/class.tx_tmplselect_addfilestosel.php 
> on line 33

You have just made yourself a syntax error. If Typo3 has a serious 
syntax error you can't log. You must manually edit localconf.php and 
remove the extension, which created the error from the list

and delete manually TEMP-files from typo3conf folder

I recommend *not* to follow these instructions. Install instead of the 
own made tmplselect the plugin 'rlmp_tmplselector'

It is ready made extension, which does the same task.

made following changes to Auto parser plugin

# Configuring the Auto-Parser for main template:
plugin.tx_automaketemplate_pi1 {
   # Read the template file:
   content = FILE
   #content.file = fileadmin/template/main/{$defaultTemplateFileName}
   #instead of  content < plugin.tx_tmplselect_pi1
   content < plugin.tx_rlmptmplselector_pi1



#add this to the end of the file

plugin.tx_rlmptmplselector_pi1 {

		# Template type. Default is "main". Allowed values: "main", "sub"
	templateType = main

		# Paths to search for templates in HTML file mode (vs. TS mode)		
	templatePathMain = fileadmin/template/main/
	templatePathSub = fileadmin/template/sub/

       # Refers to the default template file name to use
       # if no value is set for the current page
    defaultTemplateFileNameMain = {$defaultTemplateFileName}
    defaultTemplateFileNameSub = {$contentAreaTemplateFile}

       # Refers to the default template object to use
       # if no value is set for the current page
    defaultTemplateObjectMain = 10
    defaultTemplateObjectSub = 10

		# Contains TEMPLATE objects for TS mode (vs. external HTML file mode)
    templateObjects.main =
    templateObjects.sub =

		# Use the template selected earlier in the rootline of no template 
was selected	
	inheritMainTemplates = 1
	inheritSubTemplates = 0

Simple it is *not* worth to create own plugin for that.

The plugin 'stfl_tmpl2columns' works with rlmp_tmplselector and it is 
useful to get BE columns match with FE columns.

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