[TYPO3] Struggling with images

Heiner Lamprecht heiner at heiner-lamprecht.net
Sat Jan 21 22:41:30 CET 2006


I'm using the "CSS styled IMGTEXT" extensions but have a few 
problems with influencing the generated HTML-code.

The problem is, that the images are located in a DIV-container, 
which has a width, that is only slightly larger than the width of 
the images:

<div class="csi-textpic csi-center csi-above">
  <div class="csi-imagewrap" style="width:160px;">
      <li class="csi-image" style="width:px;"></li>
      <li class="csi-image" style="width:150px;">
        <a href="#">
          <img src="typo3temp/pics/377ac2f8ee.jpg"
            width="150" height="113" border="0" alt="" title="" />
      <li class="csi-image" style="width:150px;">
        <a href="#">
          <img src="typo3temp/pics/609d6f2c21.jpg"
            width="150" height="113" border="0" alt="" title="" />
      <li class="csi-image" style="width:150px;">
        <a href="#">
          <img src="typo3temp/pics/cef9b1174c.jpg"
            width="150" height="113" border="0" alt="" title="" />

I don't know how to get rid of this style-attribute in the second 
row.  I searched the TS of the extension, but can't find how it is 
defined.  Has anybody got a solution for this?

BTW:  There always exist an empty entry like the first LI in the 
example.  Is it possible to avoid this?


    heiner at heiner-lamprecht dot net    GnuPG - Key: 9859E373
  Fingerprint:  3770 7947 F917 94EF 8717 BADB 0139 7554 9859 E373

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