[TYPO3] creating a link from home page to a single record in a plugin list

Mike Jones mrt.jones at ntlworld.com
Tue Jan 3 21:48:43 CET 2006

Happy New Year to one and all!

I am struggling with the last bit of a new website.

I have developed a frontend plugin extension which works very well. On the
relevant page the plugin shows either the list view or single view of
properties for sale - this works extremely well.

One of the data items for each new property record is a 'new until' date -
this means I can use code to include a flashing 'NEW' icon alongside the
record in the list - looks fine.

What I want to do is include on the front page of the site a list of
properties that are new and have each item in the list link to the
appropriate page showing the item in single view.

I have a function call which returns an array of records that meet the
criteria - i.e. before the 'new until'  date has passed. I have tried a
number of ways to make this work but the bit that is failing seems to be
that altPageId in link_listSingle does not work as I expect.

Here is the function code:

			$content =

where $linkStr is the item in the list, $row['uid'] is the record id in the
database table, $cache=TRUE causes the cHash to be generated and - this is
the key part - $altPageId is set to $row['pid'] which is the page I want to
link to.

The code returns the following:


user_properties_pi1[showUid]=1 is correct

the 4 in user_properties_pi1[0]=4 should be the first parameter after
index.php - i.e. index.php?id=4 instead of id=3 - in fact I don't know why
this extra parameter has appeared.

the cHash is fine

Can anybody point me in the right direction, please?

With thanks in advance

Best wishes

Mike Jones

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