[TYPO3] Improving frontend editing - exact info, please

tapio tapio.markula at dnainternet.net
Wed Feb 8 13:03:05 CET 2006

tapio wrote:
> Hi
> Recently in this group has been send topic " Frontend editing: copy and 
> paste content elements?"
> I have struggled with frontend editing in order that we could
> enjoy better frontend editing.
> I got solved a language bug in 'tm_contenaccess'. I would like
> soon send fixed version to TER. But before that I would like to add
> some issues to setup.txt.
> I would like to add BE-language-related label text.
> [globalVar =GP:L=0]

Instead something from the

starts at this way

language Object ( [lang] => fi

I would like to use that info like in

[globalVar = TSFE:id = 52]

TSFE is presumably from


If that can be used then also

I tried this:

[globalVar = LANG:lang=fi]
#editPanelSetText= Sivun muokkaustoiminnot: 
logOutText= Ulos 
editPanelNew= Luo uusi sisältöelementti
newpageText=  <- Luo uusi sivu

[globalVar = LANG:lang=en]
logOutText= Exit 
editpanelLabel=Edit panel:
editPanelNew= Create new content element
newpageText=  <- Create new page

but it didn't work. Please, help that I could
update my plugin and we could enjoy better frontend editing.

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