[TYPO3] Problems with rlmp_eventdb

Mike Meir mike at gateseven.co.uk
Sat Apr 15 13:48:37 CEST 2006

I've installed rlmp_eventdb on two typo3 3.8.1 installations. php
versdion is 4.3.11 I'm using templavoila 0.4.0, and I have created an
fce which displays single events perfectly.
The problem I'm having is with the listing of events. Currently, I have
2 events defined, 4 categories and 2 locations. Each event is set to be
In the list of events, instead of the events appearing individually on
the day the occur, both events are listed for every day for two years.
The same occurs if I use the search view, except that the list is
contained by the starting and ending dates set in the search.
The documentation doesn't include any TS parameters which might control
I guess the problem has to be somewhere in the
class.tx_rlmpeventdb_pi1.php> , and presumably in the function
renderEventList, if it is not somewhere in my setup. The setup is:
plugin.tx_rlmpeventdb_pi1 {
 pidList = 75
 recursive = 1
 target =
 viewMode = eventsearch
plugin.tx_rlmpeventdb_pi1.listView {
 results_at_a_time = 5
 maxPages = 10
 displayIcons.maxW = 50
 showTodayMessage = 0
 displayConditions {
  registrationEnabled = 0
  registrationPossible = 0
[ rest relates to other views]
Has anyone got any clues, before I attempt to delve into the php file?
Best Wishes
Mike Meir 

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