[Typo3] How configure RTE so that links are saved as Typolink: <LINK>

Elmar Hinz elmar.hinz at vcd-berlin.de
Sun Sep 25 21:03:15 CEST 2005

> everything seems correct in PageTSconfig. I tried also this in my extension:
> t3lib_extMgm::addPageTSConfig('
> RTE.config.tt_content.tx_mzconttext_text {
>   	hidePStyleItems = H1, H4, H5, H6
> 	proc.overruleMode = ts_links
>   	proc.exitHTMLparser_db=1
>  	proc.exitHTMLparser_db {
>     	keepNonMatchedTags=1
>   }
> }
> ');
> overruleMode = ts_css defines that all links are saved als typolink?
> Im really confused about that. Everything seems well configured.

Like "ts", a meta-mode which is a substitute for the list: 
css_transform,ts_images,ts_links. It is designed to be the new, modern 
transformation used by most RTE cases, because it converts links between 
<A> and <LINK> but preserves all other content while still making it as 
human readable as possible (that means simple <P>-tags are resolved into 
simple lines.)


To become disconfused:



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