[Typo3] how can i generate transparent PNG-files with partial transparency?

Hendrik Stey h_stey at web.de
Sat Sep 10 11:11:44 CEST 2005

hey Joey,

thanks a lot for four rapid answer. (Wir hatten übrigens schon mal 
E-Mail-Kontakt, soweit ich mich erinnere, ich denke also, wir können auf 
Deutsch schreiben - der Rest der Mail ist jetzt aber trotzdem auf 
Englisch, weil mir erst zu spät aufgefallen ist, dass ich deine 
E-Mail-Adresse kenne... :-))

i am aware of the lots of transparency related problems, that you 
mention, but at the moment i am still determined to try to solve them.

i fully understand your advice to render the background image and the 
text combined in one picture, but:

i want to solve it the way i described, because i want to place e.g. the 
header-PNG-file between <h3></h3>-tags, which are furthermore correctly 
labeled with  alt- and title-attributes, and so on.

my html-templates are fully prepared, and -thanks to a workaround- the 
dummy-PNG-files with transparent background (which i have created in 
photoshop) display correctly also in IE.

for this reason, i need to generate png-files with alpha-transparency.

I would appreciate any comments/thoughts. Thx a lot in advance, kind regards


JoH schrieb:
>>for my current typo3-project i need to generate Headers and Buttons as
>>PNG-File with transparent background - this is necessary in order to
>>place those generated images above further images which then
>>-hopefully- shine through. read on, please :-)
> Render the background image _and_ the text combined in one picture and use
> this as a background for the text.
> Use plain text for the text instead of an image and place it inside a <span>
> or <div> to assign the background to it.
> Then you can "remove" the original text with CSS.
> This way you don't have any transparency related problems and there are lots
> of them ;-)
> Joey

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