[Typo3] TemplaVoila GIFBUILDER fontcolor from selectorbox

Michael Johnston mjohnston at planetactive.com
Tue May 3 02:03:11 CEST 2005

Hallo Udo,

Here is an example of a repeating content element that is used to build
a graphical menu, with text colors chosen from a pulldown. There is
some repetition because each line can be either unlinked, linked to a
page, or linked to an order page for an entered pdf name. The attached
image shows an example of what it builds.(attachment removed for 
mailing list)

I'm also including an example of a content element where typoscript in
one field uses data from another field that is not on the same level of
hierarchy, as you will probably run into this problem as well.

Unfortunately they're not short :) I'm cc'ing this to the list as well,
in case the info might be useful to others.

Choosing Gifbuilder colors from a selectbox. This works only if the TV
select field is on the same level of hierarchy of the xml as the
gifbuilder object:

      <ROOT type="array">
          <tx_templavoila type="array">
              <description>Select the HTML element on the page which you
want to be the overall container element for the
          <el type="array">
              <field_images type="array">
                  <tx_templavoila type="array">
                  <el type="array">
                      <field_linked_image type="array">
                          <tx_templavoila type="array">
                              <title>Linked Image</title>
                          <el type="array">
                              <field_link_url type="array">
                                  <tx_templavoila type="array">
                                      <title>Link URL</title>
                                      <sample_data type="array">
                                          <numIndex index="0"></numIndex>
	10 = TEXT
	10.typolink.parameter.current = 1
	10.typolink.returnLast = url
                                      <proc type="array">
                                          <HSC type="integer">1</HSC>
                                  <TCEforms type="array">
                                      <config type="array">
                                          <wizards type="array">
                                              <link type="array">



                                      <label>Link URL</label>
                              <field_link_container type="array">
                                  <tx_templavoila type="array">
                                      <title>Link Container</title>
                                  <el type="array">
                                      <field_label type="array">
                                          <tx_templavoila type="array">
                                              <sample_data type="array">

	10 = IMAGE
	10.file = GIFBUILDER
	10.file {
		XY = 359,16
		backColor = #000000
		10 = TEXT
		10.if.value = corporate
		10.if.equals.field = field_labeltype
		10.text.current = 1
		10.text.case = upper
		10.niceText = 1
		10.niceText.scaleFactor = 4
		10.niceText.sharpen = 5
		10.fontColor = #0099FF
		10.fontFile =  t3lib/fonts/DINBk.ttf
		10.offset = 8,12
		10.fontSize = 14
		11 < 10.file.10
		11.if.value = leistungen
		11.fontColor = #FFD900
		12 < 10.file.10
		12.if.value = kunden
		12.fontColor = #FF3399
		13 < 10.file.10
		13.if.value = technologie
		13.fontColor = #C0F300
		20 = TEXT
		20.if.value = none
		20.if.equals.field = field_labeltype
		20.if.negate = 1
		20.text.field = field_info
		20.text.case = upper
		20.niceText = 1
		20.niceText.scaleFactor = 4
		20.niceText.sharpen = 5
		20.fontColor = #fffffe
		20.fontFile =  t3lib/fonts/DINBk.ttf
		20.offset = [10.w]+12,12
		20.fontSize = 14	
		21 < 10.file.20
		21.if.negate = 0
		21.offset = 8,12
		30 = BOX
		30.if.value = none
		30.if.equals.field = field_labeltype
		30.if.negate = 1
		30.color = white
		30.dimensions = [10.w]+12,14,[20.w],1

		31 < 10.file.30
		31.if.negate = 0
		31.dimensions = 8,14,[21.w],1
                                          <TCEforms type="array">
                                              <config type="array">
                                      <field_info type="array">
                                          <tx_templavoila type="array">
                                              <title>Info (White
                                              <sample_data type="array">
                                              <proc type="array">
                                          <TCEforms type="array">
                                              <config type="array">
                                              <label>Info (White
                               <field_labeltype type="array">
                                  <tx_templavoila type="array">
                                      <title>Label Color</title>
                                      <sample_data type="array">
                                          <numIndex index="0"></numIndex>
                                  <TCEforms type="array">
                                      <config type="array">
										<items type="array">
											<numIndex index="0" type="array">
												<numIndex index="0">Corporate (Blau)</numIndex>
												<numIndex index="1">corporate</numIndex>
											<numIndex index="1" type="array">
												<numIndex index="0">Leistungen (Gelb)</numIndex>
												<numIndex index="1">leistungen</numIndex>
											<numIndex index="2" type="array">
												<numIndex index="0">Kunden (Pink)</numIndex>
												<numIndex index="1">kunden</numIndex>
											<numIndex index="3" type="array">
												<numIndex index="0">Technologie (Gruen)</numIndex>
												<numIndex index="1">technologie</numIndex>
											<numIndex index="4" type="array">
												<numIndex index="0">None</numIndex>
												<numIndex index="1">none</numIndex>
                                      <label>Label Color</label>
                      <field_unlinked_image type="array">
                          <tx_templavoila type="array">
                              <title>Unlinked Image</title>
                          <el type="array">
                              <field_label type="array">
                                  <tx_templavoila type="array">
                                      <title>Colored Label</title>
                                      <sample_data type="array">

	10 = IMAGE
	10.file = GIFBUILDER
	10.file {
		XY = 359,16
		backColor = #000000
		10 = TEXT
		10.if.value = corporate
		10.if.equals.field = field_labeltype
		10.text.current = 1
		10.text.case = upper
		10.niceText = 1
		10.niceText.scaleFactor = 4
		10.niceText.sharpen = 5
		10.fontColor = #0099FF
		10.fontFile =  t3lib/fonts/DINBk.ttf
		10.offset = 8,12
		10.fontSize = 14
		11 < 10.file.10
		11.if.value = leistungen
		11.fontColor = #FFD900
		12 < 10.file.10
		12.if.value = kunden
		12.fontColor = #FF3399
		13 < 10.file.10
		13.if.value = technologie
		13.fontColor = #C0F300
		20 = TEXT
		20.if.value = none
		20.if.equals.field = field_labeltype
		20.if.negate = 1
		20.text.field = field_info
		20.text.case = upper
		20.niceText = 1
		20.niceText.scaleFactor = 4
		20.niceText.sharpen = 5
		20.fontColor = #fffffe
		20.fontFile =  t3lib/fonts/DINBk.ttf
		20.offset = [10.w]+12,12
		20.fontSize = 14	
		21 < 10.file.20
		21.if.negate = 0
		21.offset = 8,12
                                  <TCEforms type="array">
                                      <config type="array">
                                      <label>Colored Label</label>
                              <field_info type="array">
                                  <tx_templavoila type="array">
                                      <sample_data type="array">
                                      <proc type="array">
                                          <HSC type="integer">1</HSC>
                                  <TCEforms type="array">
                                      <config type="array">
                              <field_labeltype type="array">
                                  <tx_templavoila type="array">
                                      <title>Label Color</title>
                                      <sample_data type="array">
                                          <numIndex index="0"></numIndex>
                                  <TCEforms type="array">
                                      <config type="array">
										<items type="array">
											<numIndex index="0" type="array">
												<numIndex index="0">Corporate (Blau)</numIndex>
												<numIndex index="1">corporate</numIndex>
											<numIndex index="1" type="array">
												<numIndex index="0">Leistungen (Gelb)</numIndex>
												<numIndex index="1">leistungen</numIndex>
											<numIndex index="2" type="array">
												<numIndex index="0">Kunden (Pink)</numIndex>
												<numIndex index="1">kunden</numIndex>
											<numIndex index="3" type="array">
												<numIndex index="0">Technologie (Gruen)</numIndex>
												<numIndex index="1">technologie</numIndex>
											<numIndex index="4" type="array">
												<numIndex index="0">None</numIndex>
												<numIndex index="1">none</numIndex>
                                      <label>Label Color</label>
                      <field_orderlinked_image type="array">
                          <tx_templavoila type="array">
                              <title>Image Linked to Order Form</title>
                          <el type="array">
                              <field_label type="array">
                                  <tx_templavoila type="array">
                                      <title>Colored Label</title>
                                      <sample_data type="array">

	10 = IMAGE
	10.stdWrap.insertData = 1
	10.stdWrap.wrap = <a href="javascript:orderPopup
('{field:field_pdfname}');"> | </a>
	10.file = GIFBUILDER
	10.file {
		XY = 359,16
		backColor = #000000
		10 = TEXT
		10.if.value = corporate
		10.if.equals.field = field_labeltype
		10.text.current = 1
		10.text.case = upper
		10.niceText = 1
		10.niceText.scaleFactor = 4
		10.niceText.sharpen = 5
		10.fontColor = #0099FF
		10.fontFile =  t3lib/fonts/DINBk.ttf
		10.offset = 8,12
		10.fontSize = 14
		10.border = 0
		11 < 10.file.10
		11.if.value = leistungen
		11.fontColor = #FFD900
		12 < 10.file.10
		12.if.value = kunden
		12.fontColor = #FF3399
		13 < 10.file.10
		13.if.value = technologie
		13.fontColor = #C0F300
		20 = TEXT
		20.if.value = none
		20.if.equals.field = field_labeltype
		20.if.negate = 1
		20.text.field = field_info
		20.text.case = upper
		20.niceText = 1
		20.niceText.scaleFactor = 4
		20.niceText.sharpen = 5
		20.fontColor = #fffffe
		20.fontFile =  t3lib/fonts/DINBk.ttf
		20.offset = [10.w]+12,12
		20.fontSize = 14	
		21 < 10.file.20
		21.if.negate = 0
		21.offset = 8,12
		30 = BOX
		30.if.value = none
		30.if.equals.field = field_labeltype
		30.if.negate = 1
		30.color = white
		30.dimensions = [10.w]+12,14,[20.w],1

		31 < 10.file.30
		31.if.negate = 0
		31.dimensions = 8,14,[21.w],1
                                  <TCEforms type="array">
                                      <config type="array">
                                      <label>Colored Label</label>
                              <field_info type="array">
                                  <tx_templavoila type="array">
                                      <sample_data type="array">
                                      <proc type="array">
                                          <HSC type="integer">1</HSC>
                                  <TCEforms type="array">
                                      <config type="array">
                              <field_labeltype type="array">
                                  <tx_templavoila type="array">
                                      <title>Label Color</title>
                                      <sample_data type="array">
                                          <numIndex index="0"></numIndex>
                                  <TCEforms type="array">
                                      <config type="array">
										<items type="array">
											<numIndex index="0" type="array">
												<numIndex index="0">Corporate (Blau)</numIndex>
												<numIndex index="1">corporate</numIndex>
											<numIndex index="1" type="array">
												<numIndex index="0">Leistungen (Gelb)</numIndex>
												<numIndex index="1">leistungen</numIndex>
											<numIndex index="2" type="array">
												<numIndex index="0">Kunden (Pink)</numIndex>
												<numIndex index="1">kunden</numIndex>
											<numIndex index="3" type="array">
												<numIndex index="0">Technologie (Gruen)</numIndex>
												<numIndex index="1">technologie</numIndex>
											<numIndex index="4" type="array">
												<numIndex index="0">None</numIndex>
												<numIndex index="1">none</numIndex>
                                      <label>Label Color</label>
                               <field_pdfname type="array">
                                  <tx_templavoila type="array">
                                      <title>PDF Name, with extension
(ex: BOB.pdf)</title>
                                      <sample_data type="array">
                                          <numIndex index="0"></numIndex>
                                      <proc type="array">
                                          <HSC type="integer">1</HSC>
                                  <TCEforms type="array">
                                      <config type="array">

Example of using TV field values when they are not on the same level of
hierarchy. This element links an image, and a descriptive text that is
another TD to the same page. To do so, it needs to have unmapped fields
for link & target, that two separate link elements use. Because these
elements are in different part of the hierarchy, they cannot access the
field values directly, so LOAD_REGISTER is used.

      <ROOT type="array">
          <tx_templavoila type="array">
              <description>Select the HTML element on the page which you
want to be the overall container element for the
          <el type="array">
              <field_imagewidth type="array">
                  <tx_templavoila type="array">
                      <title>Maximum Image Width</title>
                      <sample_data type="array">
                          <numIndex index="0"></numIndex>
                  <TCEforms type="array">
                      <config type="array">
                          <items type="array">
                              <numIndex index="2" type="array">
                                  <numIndex index="0">85 
                                  <numIndex index="1">85</numIndex>
                              <numIndex index="0" type="array">
                                  <numIndex index="0">112
                                  <numIndex index="1">112</numIndex>
                              <numIndex index="1" type="array">
                                  <numIndex index="0">140
                                  <numIndex index="1">140</numIndex>
                      <label>Maximum Image Width</label>
              <field_subhead type="array">
                  <tx_templavoila type="array">
                      <title>Subheadline Blue</title>
                      <sample_data type="array">
                          <numIndex index="0">[Subheadline]</numIndex>
		10 = IMAGE
		10.file = GIFBUILDER
		10.altText.current = 1
		10.file {
			XY = [10.w]+1, 15+[15.h]+[20.h]+[25.h]+[30.h]+[35.h]+[40.h]
		  backColor = #FFFFFF
		  reduceColors = 64
		  10 = TEXT
		  10.text.current = 1
		  10.text.case = upper
		  10.text.listNum = 0
		  10.text.listNum.splitChar = |
		  10.text.trim = 1
		  10.niceText = 1
		  10.niceText.scaleFactor = 4
		  10.niceText.sharpen = 5
		  10.fontColor = #0099FF
		  10.fontFile =  t3lib/fonts/DINBk.ttf
		  10.offset = 0,14
		  10.fontSize = 14
		  15 < 10.file.10
		  15.text.listNum = 1
		  15.text.required = 1
		  15.offset = 0,40
		  15.fontColor = #FFFFFF
		  15.fontSize = 6
		  20 < 10.file.10
		  20.text.listNum = 1
		  20.text.required = 1
		  20.offset = 0,30
		  25 < 10.file.15
		  25.text.listNum = 2
		  25.offset = 0,52
		  30 < 10.file.10
		  30.text.listNum = 2
		  30.text.required = 1
		  30.offset = 0,46
		  35 < 10.file.15
		  35.text.listNum = 3
		  35.offset = 0,80
		  40 < 10.file.10
		  40.text.listNum = 3
		  40.text.required = 1
		  40.offset = 0,62
                  <TCEforms type="array">
                      <config type="array">
                      <label>Subheadline Blue</label>
              <field_copy type="array">
                  <tx_templavoila type="array">
                      <title>Body Text</title>
                      <sample_data type="array">
                          <numIndex index="0">[Body Text]</numIndex>
                      <proc type="array">
                          <HSC type="integer">0</HSC>
                  <TCEforms type="array">
                      <config type="array">
                      <label>Body Text</label>

			<field_url type="array">
				<tx_templavoila type="array">
					<title>Link URL</title>
					<sample_data type="array">
						<numIndex index="0">[#]</numIndex>
					<proc type="array">
						<HSC type="integer">1</HSC>
				<TCEforms type="array">
					<config type="array">
						<wizards type="array">
							<_PADDING type="integer">2</_PADDING>
							<link type="array">
					<label>Link URL</label>
			<field_target type="array">
				<tx_templavoila type="array">
					<title>Link Target</title>
					<sample_data type="array">
						<numIndex index="0">[_self]</numIndex>
				<TCEforms type="array">
					<config type="array">
				<items type="array">
							<numIndex index="0" type="array">
								<numIndex index="0">_self</numIndex>
								<numIndex index="1">_self</numIndex>
							<numIndex index="1" type="array">
								<numIndex index="0">_blank</numIndex>
								<numIndex index="1">_blank</numIndex>
					<label>Link Target</label>
             <field_linkcontainer type="array">
                  <tx_templavoila type="array">
                      <title>Link Container</title>
                  <el type="array">
                      <field_titlecontainer type="array">
                          <tx_templavoila type="array">
                              <title>Title Container</title>
                          <el type="array">
                              <field_title type="array">
                                  <tx_templavoila type="array">
                                      <title>Link Title</title>
                                      <sample_data type="array">
                                          <numIndex index="0">[Link
                                      <proc type="array">
                                          <HSC type="integer">1</HSC>
                                  <TCEforms type="array">
                                      <config type="array">
                                      <label>Link Title</label>
                      <field_href type="array">
                          <tx_templavoila type="array">
                              <title>Link URL</title>
                              <sample_data type="array">
                                  <numIndex index="0">[#]</numIndex>
	10 = TEXT
	10.typolink.parameter.data = register:hpImageArticleMainLinkPid
	10.typolink.returnLast = url
                              <proc type="array">
                                  <HSC type="integer">1</HSC>
                      <field_innertarget type="array">
                          <tx_templavoila type="array">
                              <title>Link Target</title>
                              <sample_data type="array">
                                  <numIndex index="0">[_self]</numIndex>
	10 = TEXT
	10.data = register:hpImageArticleMainLinkTarget
               <field_image type="array">
                  <tx_templavoila type="array">
                      <sample_data type="array">
                          <numIndex index="0">[Image]</numIndex>
	10 = IMAGE
	10.file.import = uploads/tx_templavoila/
	10.file.import.current = 1
	10.file.import.listNum = 0
	10.file.maxW.field = field_imagewidth
	10.stdWrap.typolink.parameter.data = register:hpImageArticleMainLinkPid
	10.stdWrap.typolink.target.data = register:hpImageArticleMainLinkTarget
	10.stdWrap.typolink.extTarget.data =
                  <TCEforms type="array">
                      <config type="array">

			<field_marginclass type="array">
				<tx_templavoila type="array">
					<title>Block Class</title>
					<sample_data type="array">
						<numIndex index="0">[Block Class]</numIndex>
				<TCEforms type="array">
					<config type="array">
						<items type="array">
							<numIndex index="0" type="array">
								<numIndex index="0">No space after</numIndex>
								<numIndex index="1">marginbot0</numIndex>
							<numIndex index="1" type="array">
								<numIndex index="0">With space after</numIndex>
								<numIndex index="1">marginbot16</numIndex>
					<label>Block Class (set space below)</label>

Hope this is useful!

Michael Johnston

On 1-May-05, at 12:02 AM, Udo Gerhards wrote:

> Dear Mr. Johnston,
> i found your article in the TemplaVoila-Wikki about your problems to
> get the selected fontcolor work with GIFBUILDER in a
> templavoila-structure. At this moment i got the same problem and some
> further more like getting the selected font to work, set the selected
> offset and so on for GIBUILDER-generated text in images. It is all
> about the datatypes cause the do not have a stdWrap-attribute which
> makes me able to access the user inputs directly through the
> "field"-attribute.
> Now it seems that it's my only chance to ask you directly through mail
> if you solved the problems and if so, how do you do that. Cause in the
> whole typo3-community there is no similar thread which gives me the
> answer. I've tried everything which was given as an answer to your
> question but nothing seems to work.
> So please can you give me a short answer if you get the code to work
> and how do you do that? A short tscode-script would also help me to
> work this problem out.
> Greetings from germany and thanks in advance
> Udo Gerhards

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