[Typo3] SQL Injection

Ries van Twisk typo3 at rvt.dds.nl
Thu Mar 3 22:27:14 CET 2005

I just tested it and it's indeed possible to do a  sql injection,

I could delete a table easily use using a URL.

I’ll notify the maintainer,



> Taylor, Jeff wrote:
>> http://[UrlToLinksSection]?&no_cache=1&action=getviewcategory&category_u
>> id=1%20or%201=1
> Well. That surely results in a result containing all entries of a table
> instead of just those which aren't delted/hidden and in the correct 
> category.
> He just adds " OR 1=1" which always evaluates to true to the WHERE 
> part of the
> query.
> Every extension which isn't doing WHERE 
> field=intval($GETorPOSTorPiVarsfield) or
> field="'.$GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->quoteStr($GETorPOSTorPiVarsfield).'" ...'
> (the later MUST get used if you compare strings)
> is affected by this bug
> (Ups. Did I do this ?)
> greets,
> Bernhard

R. van Twisk

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