[Typo3] menulink as anchor

Peter Klein peter at umloud.dk
Thu Jun 30 12:05:33 CEST 2005

"Peter Klein" <peter at umloud.dk> skrev i en meddelelse 
news:mailman.1.1120124442.8054.typo3-english at lists.netfielders.de...
>> Peter Klein wrote:
>>> Hi List. In my TMENU I need to change the URL of all pages that have 
>>> subpages. (for a foldout menu)
>>> For that I created a small itemArrayProcFunc function to replace the URL 
>>> with a "#"
>> Why don't just put doNotLinkIt=1 for IFSUB/ACTIFSUB/CURIFSUB?
> Because I need an <A> tag to trigger the fold/unfold of the menu.
> But I don't want clicks on those menuitems, to load a page, so it should 
> be set as a dummy anchor.
> If I just set it to "#" then RealUrl prefixes that with the site url (not 
> the url of the current page).
> It won't help setting the url to the current page, as that changes if you 
> move to one of the subpages. :(

I actually think I solved it by changing the url to the current path, like 

    doNotLinkIt = 1
    stdWrap.typolink.parameter.cObject = TEXT
    stdWrap.typolink.parameter.cObject.value = {getIndpEnv: 
    stdWrap.typolink.parameter.cObject.insertData = 1

MvH Peter Klein / Umloud Untd 

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