[Typo3] kb_conttable

Kraft Bernhard kraftb at gmx.net
Thu Jun 30 10:21:27 CEST 2005

raluca oprean wrote:
> Hi list
> I am using kb_conttable extension and it works fine but it has a problem with cell properties.
> I set the cell properites (width, height, etc.) and it doesn't remember them ... if I go to see them again they are reseted to the default 0.

You have probably set width, height or other int fields to "0" in the "Locking" Flexform-Sheets.

This will set the values to the "desired?" values of the locking fields.

If you want to choose the value of an "int" field (as width, height is) then set the value
in the locking field to -1

> Another problem it will be that I can't set the property:
> background="fileadmin/.../9.jpg" for a cell. I've tried to set it into the style attribute but it still doesn't work ...
> Someone can help me?
> Thanks!

Pherhaps you entered something into the locking field of the style attribute. Then always this will overrule.

You will have to use 3D (mustache) optionSplit to define an empty style value for some fields and then you
can define it manually for those cells.

Kraft Bernhard
MOKKA Medienagentur <http://www.mokka.at>
T: +43 - 1 - 895 33 33 - 50

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