[Typo3] Examples of Large T3 Sites

Krystian Szymukowicz t33k.RE.MO.VE at RE.MO.VE.prolabium.com
Sat Jun 25 09:43:21 CEST 2005

> I'm just wondering if anyone can send me URLs of sites that were built 
> using T3 that reflect it's capacity to architect large interactive 
> community sites, with all (or some of the features you'd expect in such 
> sites).

I am really waiting for such examples too. It would be great to have:
1. number of hits per day
2. number of FE users
3. number of BE users
4. server hardware parameters that host such huge site
    (and info if it is shared server or not)

Moreover I think that such examples should be put somewere at 
www.typo3.org as it shows TYPO3 capabilities.


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