[Typo3] photobook testers wanted.

Franz Koch typo3 at fx-graefix.de
Thu Jun 23 13:03:48 CEST 2005

>> I seem to be having one problem with the slideshow, though. I don't
>> believe it's iterating through all the pictures. Maybe, all but one.
> *oops* , but that's why people are testing.

there still seems to be a problem with the slideshow. I'm using 'realurl'  
and the url for the meta-refresh seems to be wrong for the browsers. Well,  
it is corret using when the baseurl, but on a meta-refresh the browsers  
seem not to care about the baseurl, so the linkpath get's completely added  
to the current realurl-path (which is twice then). tested on firefox and  
I think it would be better to set absolute urls for the meta-refresh.

Or do I have a wrong configuration? btw. T3 3.8, but I think this is not  

I also miss the feature to use templated folders and to decide if the  
folders should appear outside the thumb-index or should be integraded (by  
using folder-icons or stuff).
It would also be good if the comment-files would contain the  
file-extension, so that it is possible to use e.g. a jpg and a gif file  
with the same name.

Nice extension btw. - coded a none-typo3 pendant some time ago with file  
and folder-sorting configured in the textfiles.
Greetings, Franz

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