[Typo3] just a word of praise!

McCluskey, Chris (ISD) Chris.McCluskey at isd.csa.scot.nhs.uk
Thu Jun 23 10:49:35 CEST 2005

"keep cool" - I am, although it is quite sunny here. I didn't think you were
ranting, maybe just raving ;o)
OK, I'll give you the typoScript/api thing... although in this day and age
it does seem a bit like overkill. I realise that having something like
typoScript as part of the framework allows Typo3 to be much more flexible
than the likes of Mambo, PHP Nuke or whatever but it's not a great solution.
What is the solution? Quite frankly, I don't know but the developers need to
move away from the 'made by developers for developer' model that Typo3
currently is, after all why bother using Typo3 at all if you are a

This is really my main grumble about Typo3... it offers nothing that a more
generic web technology (like for example PHP or .Net) has to offer but is
more limiting. What I think would make Typo3 a good tool would be if it did
it in a (and I realise I'm repeating myself, but it is the central problem
with Typo3) more usable less fragmented way. 

"This comes from the fact that Typo3 is quite old and this template is so
too." - The age of Typo3 is apparent. It appears that it has been tweaked
over the years and had bit's bolted on left right and centre, which is why
it is so cumbersome. It really needs an overhaul or it will remain a
minority tool used by a group of enthusiasts.

" > "Could you clarify things?" - Essentially, the developers of Typo3 need
> input from people who aren't developers or individuals who, like yourself,
> use it constantly. 
umm... yeah... just like I stated in my post"  - so you agree that you need
input from outwith the typo3 community and usability is an issue? 

"I meant that you could point out ways to improve usability" - The
subscription to this list is on my work email so I really can't spend time
doing that but I don't think suggestions from one individual would be very
useful anyway. A proper usability study using a variety of users (with a
variety of skills) given set tasks would be the way to go about things. 

One final thing, I think the typo3 website itself has usability issues. It
has a lot of info in it but that is only useful if it can be easily found.

Anyway... I really must go and do some work.

-----Original Message-----
From: typo3-english-bounces at lists.netfielders.de
[mailto:typo3-english-bounces at lists.netfielders.de]On Behalf Of Mathias
Schreiber [wmdb>]
Sent: 22 June 2005 17:45
To: typo3-english at lists.netfielders.de
Subject: Re: [Typo3] just a word of praise!

McCluskey, Chris (ISD) wrote:
> This is getting tedious...

maybe you got me wrong.
My questions were meant to be normal and not ranting.

> "If you use deprecated ways to build sites, you will suffer from 
> backwards compatibility reasons." - you really didn't grasp what I was
> talking about, unless you consider typoScript as the future and expect to
> see if in applications other than Tyop3. You don't, do you?

I consider Typoscript as what it is:
A way to define TYPO3 APIs.

> "120.000 installations with a high count of editors who are used to the
> system now" - that doesn't make it usable. It's also an irrelevant and
> insular way of thinking about a product. If there was a better version
> people would shift to it i.e. Mac OS 9 to OS X or Windows 98/2000 to XP.

nono... you got me wrong here.
I meant that you could point out ways to improve usability (because I 
personally am too used to TYPO3 thus I don't see where improvements are 
needed) but while you point out things to improve keep in mind that 
there are a lot of people used to the system (in other words: Don't 
throw everything around since others might have problems finding their 
way in)

> "Could you clarify things?" - Essentially, the developers of Typo3 need
> input from people who aren't developers or individuals who, like yourself,
> use it constantly. 

umm... yeah... just like I stated in my post.

> "I can only make assumptions now, but I guess you are using the static
> templates content(default)..." - default is the key word here.

Yeah, maybe the wroding isn't perfect.
Noone forces you to use this template.
But if you do, if generates "questionable" source, which you have to fix.
This comes from the fact that typo3 is quite old and this template is so 

All in all you seem to think that I am mad at you - but I am not.
I just wanted to show ways how to participate.
Maybe others kept shouting around so you misunderstood my post.
keep cool

if ($GLOBALS['TSFE']->fe_user->user['ahnung'] == 0) {
	$this->fresseHalten = 1;
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