[Typo3] Drag and drop in backend

tapio tapio.markula at dnainternet.net
Wed Jun 22 07:55:49 CEST 2005

Stephane Schitter wrote:
> Thanks a lot Jeff!
> I tested it successfully on IE as well. Now it's in the ss_dragdrop version
> 0.6.0

I really like your plug-ing - I just should create new buttons for it,
because I use modified Skincrystal for Typo3. I would like the same kind
of buttons, which Skincrystal and t3quixplorer uses, but I understand
that existing buttons works with the standard skin.

> I have however no access to test it on Opera or Konqueror (or any other
> browser), I hope it does not break them.

I have Opera. Even if I in many reasons like Opera, it has limited 
DOM-support. It is enough that thw plug-ins doesn't cause any harm.

Is there a way to get the test version.
Tapio Markula

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