[Typo3] TemplaVoila Template Spoiled for the 3rd Time

Nick Weisser typo3 at openstream.ch
Mon Jun 20 16:26:46 CEST 2005

Heya TemplaVoila'ers,

I'm not sure if this is because I was using TemplaVoila 0.4.0 with Typo3 
3.7.0 or if this is an unknown bug in TemplaVoila? Or just my stupidity?

After unchecking a JavaScript include file in the "Adding parts from 
HTML header" section and then saving, my whole template is broken. 
Nothing is being displayed in the frontend - arrrghhh!

Even after clicking on "Modify DS / TO" and the re-saving the still 
existant/correct mapping, there is only an empty page showing up in the 

Only if I "Clear all" and re-map the whole template, things re-appear.

I have no idea how this happens. Any suggestions?
Nick Weisser

Openstream Internet Solutions

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