[Typo3] How to build a complex form?

Nick Weisser typo3 at openstream.ch
Sat Jun 18 00:05:17 CEST 2005

Hi there listers,

I have to set up a rather complex 2 column form with country/state 
drop-down (similar to "Front End User Registration" extension) and other 
select options with multiple choice possibilites.

I just had a look at the over 2000 lines of code in 
class.tx_srfeuserregister_pi1.php and have to admin that it looks pretty 
advanced (*swallow*).

I saw a couple of interesting extensions, e.g. "CWT Frontend Edit" which 
has some very nice features

- Automatic rendering of Input, Textarea, Select, Password and File types.
- Automatic input validation (from TCA) for Input, Textarea, Select, 
Password and File types.
- Additional input validation possible (email, atLeast, atMost ...) for 
Input, Textarea, Select, Password and File types.

Unfortunately this extension seems to be limited to Input, Textarea, 
Select, Password and File types.

May I ask for some statements on how to go about creating such a complex 
form (not a mail form, but a form to be saved in the database). Writing 
a new extension is very time consuming and therefore please let me know 
if there is a shortcut to such an html standard job.


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