[Typo3] Re: Replace class.tslib_content.php output?

Marcel Douwstra marcel.douwstra at tros.nl
Fri Jun 10 11:18:06 CEST 2005

Sorry for my late reply, it seems I my membership to the mailinglist 
was disabled due to bounces.

Anywayz, here is (just) an example of some hardcoded HTML in 
class.tslib_content :

01089                         switch ($contentPosition)       {
01090                                 case '0':       // above
01091                                         $output= '<div 
01092                                 break;
01093                                 case '8':       // below
01094                                         $output= 
$this->wrapSpace($content, '0|'.$spaceBelowAbove).'<div 
01095                                 break;
01096                                 case '16':      // in text
01097                                         $output= 
01098                                 break;
01099                                 case '24':      // in text, no 
01100                                         $theResult = '';
01101                                         $theResult.= '<table 
border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" 
01102                                         if ($align=='right')    {
01103                                                 $theResult.= '<td 
valign="top">'.$content.'</td><td valign="top">'.$tablecode.'</td>';
01104                                         } else {
01105                                                 $theResult.= '<td 
valign="top">'.$tablecode.'</td><td valign="top">'.$content.'</td>';
01106                                         }
01107                                         $theResult.= 
01108                                         $output= $theResult;
01109                                 break;
01110                         }

You probably understand this is something I would rather have in a 
template file or something like that.

But in the meantime we've been creating an extension for this so we can 
use our own templates for content.



*** TYPO3 FORUM: http://typo3.tros.nl ***

Op 10-jun-05 om 10:50 heeft typo3-english-request at lists.netfielders.de 
het volgende geschreven:

> Marcel Douwstra wrote:
> > Hi list,
> >
> > I;ve been trying to get some pages done with the standard content
> > functionality of Typo3 (maybe you've read my last message about 
> this).
> >
> > I just discovered that most of the HTML output is HARDCODED inline in
> > class.tslib_content.php which was quite a disapointment :(
> What exactly is hardcoded in PHP? CSS_styled_content is mainly TS and
> you can configure almost anything by modifying the content output 
> there.
> Look for some of JoH's postings in order to get an idea of how much is
> possible with pure TS.
> > What I would like to know is :
> >
> > Would you recommend me to change the class.tslib_content.php or build
> > replacing templates for output?
> No 2 is the way to go...
> Cheers,
> Michael

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