[Typo3] advanced table

Thomas Hempel thomas at work.de
Thu Jun 9 14:23:52 CEST 2005

Hi Raluca,

that seems to be a bug. I don't even see such a behavior.

Have you changed the "exttabledefinitions.xml"?

If not, it seems to be a bug. It would be nice if you can make a 
bugreport on bugs.typo3.org. If you don't have an account, please tell here.

I will have a look on this.

> Why does the value from the border attribute is a string and not 0 as I've put it in the scipt? Same thing happens with cellpadding and cellspacing ...
It's not only the border, (which is not valid for a td by the way). It's 
also a strange behavior of cellpadding and cellspacing.



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