[Typo3] Alert BE (or FE) User on content change

Anoop Atre anoop.atre at gmail.com
Fri Jun 3 16:40:17 CEST 2005

I have been looking into providing our users with the option of setting 
up alerts when pagecontent (or page) changes say like "Watch this page" 
I didn't find anything like this (been looking all morning) did I miss 
something? Does anyone have this setup or should I jump right into 
creating my first public-usable extension???

*** OT ***: http://www.cmswatch.com/Feature/121
I didn't hear about this on the list or on the site (or I missed it) 
Kasper made it to "The CMS Watch List" secured himself a good prime 
number [17]. The only other OS person featured is from Zope.



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