[Typo3] Reproduce "sitetitle: pagetitle" in typoscript

Peter Niederlag niederlag at ikd01.de
Thu Feb 17 11:24:04 CET 2005


Rickard Andersson schrieb:
> Because I have to run with disableAllHeaderCode in order to output the
> contents of the head tag the way I want it. My own meta tags, javascripts,
> external style sheet references etc. All XHTML compliant of course. I'm sure
> there's a way to make Typo3 output these the way I want them, but finding
> out why would take much longer than simply putting them directly in the HTML
> template.
> Now, does anyone have an answer to my question? I could of course make a
> simple frontend plugin for this, but I'm guessing it's just one or two lines
> of TypoScript anyway.

Just like you would access any other dynamic-data as well, just make 
sure it goes to the right place.

for example:

page.10 = [BEGINOFPAGE]
page.20 = TEXT
page.20.wrap =<whatevertag attribute="|" />
page.30 = [RESTOFPAGE]

to assign the title-field to an attribute "attribute" of a tag 

Have fun,
Peter Niederlag
http://www.niekom.de * TYPO3 & EDV Dienstleistungen *
http://www.typo3partner.net * professional services network *

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