[Typo3] trouble with gmenu_layer help would be nice

Christian Hensel christian.hensel at gmx.net
Fri Feb 11 22:14:24 CET 2005

hi typo3 professionals,

im just recently begin playing around with typo3 and try to get more gamilar
with it.
see german version below:
At the moment i try to create a GMENU_LAYER, but it does not work out, so i
would be thankful regarding any advice or hint to manuals etc....
here comes my typoscript: (result could be seen on:
any comment as well to the design is joyfully accepted.


seite.includeLibs.gmenu_layers = media/scripts/gmenu_layers.php
seite.10 = HMENU
seite.10.1 = GMENU_LAYERS
seite.10.1 {
 layerStyle = //
position:absolute; left: 0px; top : 20px; width: 10px; VISIBILITY: hidden;
 xPosOffset = 0
 lockPosition = x
 expALL = 1
 NO {
  backCOlor = #cccccc
  XY = [10.w]+30, 20
  10 = TEXT
  10.text.field = title
  10.fontFace = fileadmin/verdana.ttf
  10.fontSize = 12
  10.offset = 5,15

seite.10.2 = GMENU_LAYERS
  layerStyle = //
position:absolute; left: 0px; top : 20px; width: 10px; VISIBILITY: hidden;
  xPosOffset = -10
  YPosOffset = -30
  lockPosition = Y
  expALL = 1

seite.10.2.No {
 backCOLOR = |*|#cccccc || #aaaaaa |*|
 XY = 140, 20
 10 = TEXT
 10.text.field = title
 10.offset = 5,13
 10.fontSize = 11
 10.fontFace = fileadmin/verdana.ttf

 20 = BOX
 20.dimensions = 0,0,2,20
 20.color = #000000

 30 < .20
 30.align = r

 40 = BOX ||
 40.dimension = 0,0,140,2
 40.color = #000000

 50 = |*||*| || BOX
 50.dimensions = 0,0,140,2
 50.color = #000000
 50.align = ,b

seite.10.3 = GMENU
seite.10.3.NO {
 backCOLOR = |*|#cccccc || #aaaaaa |*|
 XY = 120, 20
 10 = TEXT
 10.text.field = title
 10.offset = 5,13
 10.fontSize = 10
 10.fontFace = fileadmin/verdana.ttf

 20 = BOX
 20.dimensions = 0,0,2,20
 20.color = #000000

 30 < .20
 30.align = r

 40 = BOX ||
 40.dimension = 0,0,120,2
 40.color = #000000

 50 = |*||*| || BOX
 50.dimensions = 0,0,120,2
 50.color = #000000
 50.align = ,b

###end GMENU ###
temp.print = Image
temp.print {
 file = fileadmin/visiopro/template/images/drucken.gif
 postUserFunc = tx_make_printlink
 include_post_vars = 1
 target = _blank
 popup = 1
 windowsparams = (resizable=yes, toolbar=no, scrollbars=yes, menubar=no,
 windowname = Druckversion
marks.print < temp.print
temp.userip = COA_INT
temp.userip {
         10 = TEXT
         10.wrap = <span class="ip">IP: <b>|</b></span>
         10.data = getenv : REMOTE_ADDR

temp.oben = HTML
  value = <a href="#top"><img
src="fileadmin/visiopro/template/images/oben.gif" border="0" title="zum
Seitenanfang"><img src="fileadmin/visiopro/template/images/obenn.gif"
width="65" height="22" border="0" title="zum Seitenanfang"></a>
### Login begin ###
temp.login < plugin.tx_newloginbox_pi1
temp.login {
  detailspage = 115
  email_from = info at visiopro.de
  email_fromName = VisioPro

marks.login < temp.login
### Login end ###

### Referenzen begin ###
temp.bannertop < plugin.tx_macinabanners_pi1
temp.bannertop {
 # show banners with this attribute, options are: top, left, bottom, right
 placement = top
 #mode to show banners, options are: all, random
 mode = random
 # list of page ids where the banners should be taken from ( comma seperated
f.E.: 1,5,7)
 pidList = 81
 # levels of recoursion to search for banners
 recursive = 0
 # Limit numebr of Banners
 results_at_a_time = 1
marks.bannertop < temp.bannertop
### Referenzen end ###

styles.content.getNews.newsPid = 82

### News begin ###
includeLibs.cm_jsticker =
cm_jsticker = USER
cm_jsticker {
    userFunc = tx_cmjstickernews_pi1->make_ticker_inline
    tickerStyle = vertical
    tickerSpeed = 1
    tickerBgcolor =
    tickerClass = ticker
    tickerHeight = 100
    tickerWidth = 200
    tickerTarget = _top
    # prefix for direct tt_news item links
    # set up a news details page (code=SINGLE) with an extension template
    # that sets the correct backPID value to a news overview page!
    tickerItemLinkPrefix = index.php?id=114&tt_news=
    # select news from these tt_news sysfolders, default=all
    newsPidList = 82
    # which news categories to show, default=all
    #newsCatList = 1,2,3,5
    # how many items are shown, default=all
    #newsItemCount = 2
    # SQL sorting by tt_news field name, default=no ordering
    #newsItemOrderBy = crdate DESC

temp.ticker < cm_jsticker
### News end ###

###  Voreinstellungen von VisioPro  --> begin ###
styles.content.links.wrap = <b>|</b>
page = PAGE
   bodyTag = <body marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">
     meta.AUTHOR = Christian Hensel, www.visiopro.de
     wrap = |<BR>
###  Voreinstellungen von VisioPro  --> end ###
### Template Ende ###
tt_content.text.20.parseFunc.nonTypoTagStdWrap.encapsLines.addAttributes {

plugin.tx_automaketemplate_pi1 {
  content = FILE
  content.file = fileadmin/visiopro/template/visiopro_temp.htm
  elements {
    BODY.all = 1
    BODY.all.subpartmarker = DOCUMENT_BODY
    HEAD.all = 1
    HEAD.all.subpartmarker = DOCUMENT_HEADER
    HEAD.rmTagSections = title
    TD.all = 0
  stylesheet = FILE

relPathPrefix = fileadmin/visiopro/template/

### Menü oben ###
temp.menu_1 = HMENU
temp.menu_1.1 = TMENU
temp.menu_1.1 {
  NO.allWrap =  | <img src="fileadmin/visiopro/template/images/trenner.gif">
  NO.ATagParams = class="menu1-level1-no"
  ACT = 1
  ACT.allWrap =  | <img
  ACT.ATagParams = class="menu1-level1-act"

temp.mainTemplate = TEMPLATE
temp.mainTemplate {
  template =< plugin.tx_automaketemplate_pi1
  workOnSubpart = DOCUMENT_BODY
  subparts.menu_1 < seite.10
  subparts.content < styles.content.get
  marks.bannertop < temp.bannertop
  marks.ticker < temp.ticker
  marks.login < temp.login
  marks.oben < temp.oben
  marks.print < temp.print
  marks.ip < temp.userip

temp.headTemplate = TEMPLATE
temp.headTemplate {
  template =< plugin.tx_automaketemplate_pi1
  workOnSubpart = DOCUMENT_HEADER
page.stylesheet = fileadmin/visiopro/template/visiopro.css
page = PAGE
page.typeNum = 0
page.10 < temp.mainTemplate
page.headerData.10 < temp.headTemplate
### Template Ende ###

here comes the german version:
Hallo Liste,

ich würde mich sehr freuen, wenn mir jemand bei meinem Problem helfen
Ich bin gerade dabei eine neues Design zu gestalten, leider habe ich
Probleme mit TypoScript ein
Layer Menü zu integrieren. Mein komplettes TS Skript sieht wie folgt aus,
ich hoffe es ist nicht zu groß.
Also Ihr findet das Setup oberhalb in der englischen version

Christian Hensel

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