[Typo3] website http://www.stieren.net will crash IE on the client computer

Georg Rehfeld georg.rehfeld at gmx.de
Fri Feb 11 02:11:58 CET 2005

Hi Jordan,

Jordan van Bergen wrote:
>>and also some errors in the CSS, see:
>>> http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator?uri=http://www.stieren.net/
> Very strange, with html v4.0 CSS the website validated 100%, but with XHTML 
> v1.0 it won't validate at all! The w3c site will generate an error. Any 
> suggestions on this one?

You seem to have config.doctypeSwitch = 1 set, to bring IE6 out of
quirks mode. The docs for that state:

| By default TYPO3 outputs the XML/DOCTYPE in compliance with the standards
| of XHTML. However a browser like MSIE will still run in "quirks-mode"
| unless the <?xml> and <DOCTYPE> tags are ordered opposite.
| But this breaks CSS validation...

So try config.xmlprologue = none to suppress that altogether. Besides,
also you might want config.htmlTag_langKey = nl to have the right lang
and xml:lang attributes of the html tag. Then the CSS should validate
again. And another usefull setting is config.xhtml_cleaning = all.

> page.bodyTag = <!-- TOPNAV stylesheet(s) -->
> <STYLE TYPE="text/css" MEDIA="screen">
> ...
> </STYLE>
> <![endif]-->
> <!-- TOPNAV stylesheet(s) -->
> <body>

You could have tried, note the parantheses:

page.bodyTag (
<!-- TOPNAV stylesheet(s) -->
<STYLE TYPE="text/css" MEDIA="screen">
<!-- TOPNAV stylesheet(s) -->

But seems, you have found another solution?

> http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http://www.stieren.net/

Nice to have another valid XHTML/CSS site, well done.

> Check it, it's 100% validated now. After clicking around many times the bug 
> happened again.... so 100% validated website but still the crash of Internet 
> Explorer version 6.0.2900.2180

That's bad news, and yes, it crashes my IE6 (same version as yours) too
after around 15 clicks. So I can only imagine, that it has to do with
the Javascript. Did you report to / ask the MediaTech people?

regards, Georg
  ___   ___
| + | |__    Georg Rehfeld      Woltmanstr. 12     20097 Hamburg
|_|_\ |___   georg.rehfeld.nospam at gmx.de    +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

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