[Typo3] Menu with level 4 links and link to page above in level 3

Georg Rehfeld georg.rehfeld at gmx.de
Tue Feb 8 02:33:13 CET 2005

Janno Schouwenburg wrote:
> Pages in section level3title
> - Level4 1st page title
> - Level4 2nd page title
> I tried several setups but the biggest problem is only showing the
> Level3 title when it contains level 4 pages. So a simple menu with
> entrylevel 3 will not do, at least not for the level 3 page.
> Any ideas anyone?

Try this:

lib.menu2 = COA
lib.menu2 {
   10 = HMENU
   ### to start generating for level 3
   10.entryLevel = 2
   ### have a div around all, leave away, if you don't need that
   10.wrap = <div class="menu2">|</div>

   10.1 = TMENU
   10.1 {
     ### we want level 3 only if it is active (in the rootline)
     ### and has children
     ACTIFSUB = 1

   10.1.NO {
     ### suppress output for states != ACTIFSUB
     doNotShowLink = 1
   10.1.ACTIFSUB {
     ### just a div for the header, wrap as you need it
     linkWrap = <div>header:&nbsp;|</div>
     doNotLinkIt = 1

   10.2 = TMENU
   10.2 {
     ### add all wanted states for level 4, here we only have CUR and NO
     CUR = 1

   10.2.NO {
     linkWrap = <div class="normal">normal:&nbsp;|</div>
   10.2.CUR {
     linkWrap = <div class="current">current:&nbsp;|</div>

regards, Georg
  ___   ___
| + | |__    Georg Rehfeld      Woltmanstr. 12     20097 Hamburg
|_|_\ |___   georg.rehfeld.nospam at gmx.de    +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

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