[Typo3] How can I develop an existing extension?I've "difference between the originally installed version and the current was detected!"

Dmitry Dulepov typo3 at fm-world.ru
Wed Aug 24 15:26:03 CEST 2005


M Okhovvat wrote:
> What is this MD5 for?

Probably used by ExtMgr and TER somehow. allows you to see if a hacker
has tampered your extension...

>  Am I allowed to modify and develop an existing extension?

Why not? I have to modify some of them locally...

> Can I modify files of an extension in my favorite editor out of
> extmanager\edit and save them?


> What I can do with this MD5? This is MD5 of wich part of extension files? Can I
> modify existing file and then replace its MD5 by MD5 of changed
> extension my self (without using extmanager)?

You can ignore it completely or update it. If you want to update, click
on the extension name in the extension list, ExtMgr will show
information about the extension. Select "backup/delete" in the combo box
on the top of the page. Click a link named "Update extension EM_CONF
file". This will update MD5 checksum.


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