[Typo3] No support for nested conditions

Matthias Taugwalder matthias.taugwalder at bluewin.ch
Mon Aug 22 20:24:49 CEST 2005

Hi all

I got stuck in conditions in Typoscript... There seems to be a very strange

What I want is the following: I have one template and a page with several
languages and two page types...
In the template I now want to set the templateFile for each
language|pageType combination...

What I tried until know:

- Setting the values in a text variable and then temp.templateFile.file <
	>>> didn't work

- Nested conditions such as:
	[<languageCondition>][<pageTypeCondition>]		# AND
		temp.templateFile.file = fileadmin/file1.html

	>>> Seemed to work, but then I discovered problems since I have more
than one language. Then always
		the variable had the value of the last defined language.

Is there any way to get this to work? Is Typoscript too limited to handle
such expressions?

Thanks for any hints very much.

Best regards,

Matthias Taugwalder
Matthias Taugwalder
matthias.taugwalder at bluewin.ch

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