[Typo3] Page splitting for long articles

Francesco di Francia darksky77 at email.it
Mon Apr 25 23:36:24 CEST 2005


there's a way to automatically paginate a long article. For article i 
mean a number of Content Element belonging to the same page (**).
I searched a lot but i found only the Renè Fritz extensions but i see 
that it don't use caching and also force the editor to insert the a sort 
of "smartycode" in the splitting point.
Are there other extension or way to split a long article ?
Should my editors split the articles manually in differente pages ?

(**)I think my editors will use a list of content element for each 
article. In this manner they can easily insert text + "thumbnailed" and 
"linked-to-the-big-version" images, and then again text and then again 
images, and so on.
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