[Typo3] Setting Group Permission to Front-end editing only

Alwin alwin.kruijt at wur.nl
Mon Apr 11 10:33:10 CEST 2005

Hi Greg				

Yes it is possible to have a 'Use frontend edit only' checker for the backendusers using
the frontend_edit_only extention. 

First you need to make BE user (editors) connect it to a FE user and add the FE edit only tag.

Please think of setting the correct editing rights for the BE user (took me some time to fiddle this out):
- Modules (web/file etc). > can do also in the editors group!<
- Select the mountpoints (only some pages or the complete root)
- maybe some filemounts for uploading images and such
- fill the users TSconfig with the params you want. Here's an example of mine:
<settigns 4 admin panel>
admPanel {
  enable.edit = 1
  module.edit.forceNoPopup = 1
  module.edit.forceDisplayFieldIcons = 1
  module.edit.forceDisplayIcons = 0
  hide = 0
<enables users to clear the cache after changing something>
options.clearCache.pages = 1

setup.default.edit_RTE = 1
<some settings for the RTE>
options.RTEkeyList = bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, superscript, subscript, left, center, right, justifyfull, orderedlist, unorderedlist, outdent, indent, textcolor, bgcolor, textindicator, line, link, image, table, chMode, copy, cut, paste, undo, redo
options.HTMLAreaPluginList = TableOperations, ContextMenu, SelectColor, TYPO3Browsers, FindReplace, RemoveFormat, CharacterMap, EnterParagraphs, QuickTag
stables and contentelements
Second you need to attach the frontenduser to a backenduser with rights editor. You can do this with 

Settings for Editors usergroup:
- modules (see above)
- tables (Select which tables the members may see in record lists at least Page and Page content)
- some pagetypes for making new pages or changing current ones
- allowed exludefields (certain table fields are not available by default. Those fields can be explicitly enabled for the group members here.)

If you have this running you can add ext:dkd_feuser_belogin so users can login in the frontend and then in the backend (frontend only). Youget an extra + symbol next to the FE users and can attach them to the BE users/editor.

After this you can add ext:frontend_edit_only. You'll get an icon in the BEusers.

- Alwin (alwinkruijt)

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