2011-01-27 Peter Foerger * Set trunk to version 0.6.0-dev 2011-01-27 Peter Foerger * Release of EXT:kickstarter v0.5.0 2011-01-27 Peter Foerger * Replaced mixed quotes with single quotes in function call. 2011-01-26 Peter Foerger * Fixed bug #16509: Convert all files to UTF-8 2011-01-26 Peter Foerger * Converted encoding to utf-8 and corrected Kaspers name 2011-01-26 Peter Foerger * Fixed bug #17332: Newline character after php closing tag in class.tx_kickstarter_reservedwords.php 2011-01-26 Peter Foerger * Fixed bug #16962: t3ver_stage should be int(11) in 4.5 (credits Tolleiv Nietsch) 2010-12-22 Peter Foerger * Fixed bug #13208: Add pages to subtypes_excludelist (credits Georg Ringer) 2010-12-22 Peter Foerger * Fixed bug #11645: Message text contains LINE BREAK (credits Stefano Kowalke) 2010-12-22 Peter Foerger * Fixed bug #11414 : After deletion of files kickstarter recreates them always (credits Daniel Hahler) 2010-12-22 Peter Foerger * Fixed bug #10917: ShowUid is not checked for numeric content 2010-12-22 Steffen Kamper * Fixed wrong module template path 2010-07-29 Ingo Renner * Added "type" as reserved word 2010-01-03 Ingo Renner * Fixed a whitespace issue 2009-12-25 Ingo Renner * Fixed bug #12891: kickstarter crashes with 5.3 (credits Steffen Kamper) * Added feature #12775: Use label tags in the language section (credits Georg Ringer) * Fixed bug #12768: extension key field not using htmlspecialchars (credits Georg Ringer) 2009-02-05 Steffen Kamper * Fixed bug #10335: Feature: highlight php code in "View result" 2009-02-03 Steffen Kamper * Fixed bug #10332: MySQL keywords are not complete 2009-01-23 Peter Foerger * Fixed bug #10161: 'blob' is also a reserved name/word 2009-01-12 Ingo Renner * set the version number to 0.5.0-dev 2009-01-11 Ingo Renner * Release of EXT:kickstarter v0.4.0 * made use of mod.php for backend modules the only available method for backend modules * removed translationsas they're provided from the translation server * set the status to "stable" 2008-12-22 Steffen Kamper * feature #9990: Enable option to use BE-module with docheader * feature #9988: Enable option to use BE-module with _DISPATCH 2008-11-08 Francois Suter * Corrected wrong reference to page id in example modfunc code 2008-11-05 Ingo Renner * Updated contact email, year in copyright notices * Fixed bug #9168: 'character' is also a reserved name/word * Fixed bug #2357: "Max filesize allowed (kb)" cannot be changed * Fixed bug #6479: wrong field names for localization * Fixed bug #4974: Enlarge Description field to a textarea * Fixed bug #9272: Remove clear.gif from BE module generation * Fixed bug #9240: Value of default_sortby is TCA ctrl section is wrapped with double quotes 2008-11-04 Peter Foerger * IRRE integration skipped. Option has been simply commented out, for ease of use to those who want to try out IRRE at it's basics… 2008-05-28 Peter Foerger * FIX fixed bug 1045: Upper Value for field endtime is the 31.12.2020. Thanks to Steffen Mueller 2008-05-28 Peter Foerger * FIX fixed bug 3334: RTE "Typical Basic Setup" should default to richtext[]. Thanks to Ernesto Baschny 2008-05-27 Peter Foerger * FIX fixed bug 5339: t3lib_mgm::addServices should be placed in ext_localconf instead of ext_tables, Thanks to Nathan 2008-05-27 Peter Foerger * FIX fixed bug 6386: Added 'default' and 'column' to the list of reserved words 2008-05-27 Michael Stucki * Add missing parameter while calling ->cleanFieldsAndDoCommands(), bug 6053 2008-05-27 Peter Foerger * FIX fixed bug 6482: Creating wizard leads to a breaking wizard 2008-05-27 Peter Foerger * FIX fixed bug 5433: Removed the no_cache parameter for USER_INT 2008-05-15 Peter Foerger * FIX fixed bug 8408: Default value of excludeField changed to zero, thanks to Steffen Kamper 2008-05-13 Oliver Klee * CHG 0008377: Remove trailing whitespace from all kickstarter files 2008-02-14 Dmitry Dulepov * Changed blob columns to text * Commented CSS_editor code * Changes in formatting according to CGL * Added new "constraints" to EM_CONF 2008-02-14 Dmitry Dulepov * Fixed missing parameter error when updating table properties 2007-11-28 Ingmar Schlecht * Added hook "wizard_beforeSectionsHook" in class.tx_kickstarter_wizard.php 2007-08-03 Ingo Renner * added initial version of IRRE support and vaious other smaller code clean ups from T3DD07, thanks to Peter and Olly! 2007-07-18 Peter Foerger * FIX fixed bug 4991: table definition for TEXT and BLOB not compliant with MySQL 5.0 strict mode * Thanks to Steffen Mueller for applying the initial patch 2007-07-12 Peter Foerger * FIX fixed bug 5458: Kickstarter reports the wrong path after adding back-end functionality. 2007-07-12 Peter Foerger * FIX fixed bug 5525: Reserved fieldnames @ extending a table 2007-06-04 Ingo Renner * FIX fixed bug 5733: Code generated for localization contains simple quoting bug 2007-03-15 Ingo Renner * CHG changed some text in the language section 2007-03-06 Ingo Renner * Lots of thanks to Peter Foerger for the help with this update * RMV 0002491: Remove commented-out code from the kickstarter, thanks to Oliver Klee * ADD 0004539: Manage flex fields, thanks to Jean-Baptiste Rio * UPD 0003723: ['feInterface'] section is depricated * ADD 0004850: sidemenu()::singles should be configurable 2007-02-22 Ingo Renner * CHG more single quotes * ADD added TODO file 2007-01-30 Ingo Renner * FIX path for TS files is now lowercased 2007-01-24 Peter Foerger * ADD new feature: initial release of the IRRE integration 2006-12-19 Peter Foerger * FIX fixed bug 0004563: kickstarter uses .php instead of .xml lang files 2006-12-06 Ingo Renner * Release of EXT:kickstarter v0.3.8 2006-12-05 Ingo Renner * thanks a lot to Peter Foerger for a lot of work contributed to these fixes * FIX fixed bug 0004258: TS setup title allows spaces * FIX fixed bug 0002176: Kickstarter should check for mysql reserved words. * FIX fixed bug 0004601: Extending module Task Center fails 2006-11-02 Ingo Renner * FIX fixed a bug with generated BE module code, thanks to Manuel Montoya for the hint * FIX fixed warnings concerning not set extension dependency presets * FIX wrong author and author email was shown in the result overview * ADD added an update button after the result overview * CHG made the selector boxes which determine which files get written more intelligent * CHG when extending an existing table, the drop down with the available tables now shows the labels inverted and sorted by table name * RMV removed references to tt_news and tt_address in sections/class.tx_kickstarter_section_fields.php * RMV removed several debug() calls to clean up the code 2006-08-12 Ingo Renner * CHG moved the languages section to be right below the general information section * ADD made the local extension directory the default for the write location 2006-07-21 Ingo Renner * FIX fixed bug #156: Not all BE languages available in languages setup, thanks to Karsten for the useful hint! 2006-07-20 Ingo Renner * FIX fixed bugs #1815, #2943, #3273, #3545: Umlauts and special characters where not written correctly in locallang xml files 2006-07-17 Ingo Renner * FIX fixed bug #3816: The files wizard_form.dat and wizard_form.html is not saved * FIX fixed bug #3715: Enable versioning: ext_tables.sql incompletely? * ADD addded missing eval method "md5" for TCA generation (bug #3792), thanks to Jan-Hendrik * FIX fixed bug #3743: created tca.php: add field "t3ver_label" if versioning enabled 2006-07-02 Ingo Renner * ADD new feature: kickstarter can now create TS files in the static folder of an extension * FIX the previous mentioned feature also fixes bug #1158: The kickstarter doesn't create config files * ADD feature request: doc/wizard_form.dat and doc/wizard_form.html are always overwritten now * ADD feature request: 2247: Kickstarter should add @package/@subpackage PhpDoc tags 2006-06-12 Ingo Renner * FIX fixed bugs #455, #822, #977: Extension key was allowed to be longer than 30 chars and uppercase 2006-06-01 Ingo Renner * FIX fixed bug #3144: Kickstater don't WRITE anything and the icons are missing (typo3 4RC3) - many thanks to Michael Stucki for the patch! 2006-05-05 Ingo Renner * CHG changed require to require_once as requested in feature request #3395 * FIX fixed bug #3384: wrong Code in xxx_pi1_wizicon.php * FIX fxed typo (bug #3377) * CHG changed warning message before actually writing the extension (#1255) * CHG changed year in copyright notices for all files 2006-03-06 Kasper Skaarhoej * Kickstarter now produces llXML files (locallang-XML) instead of locallang*.php files. 2006-02-22 Kasper Skaarhoej * Complies with new EM (function that writes extension to file system has changed in 4.0 EM) * Fixed problem with path to images now that symlinks has been removed. 2006-01-27 Ingmar Schlecht * Fixed bug #140: Selecting floating point input type doesn;t set the DB tables correctly 2005-11-15 Ingo Renner * added recent translations from TER 2005-11-12 Ingo Renner * Merged Version from TYPO3 v3.8.0 with CVS 2005-09-15 Ingmar Schlecht * Fixed one more pair of quotes for SQL default values 2005-05-13 Michael Stucki * Changed quotes for SQL default values 2005-04-29 Kasper Skrhj * Added "var $pi_checkCHash = TRUE;" in plugins when based on USER objects. See changelog of core for more explanation of this very important parameter for cached plugins. 2005-04-11 Ingmar Schlecht * Kickstarter now automatically creates README.txt and ChangeLog files 2005-04-10 Ingmar Schlecht * Made overwrite checkboxes finally work properly 2005-04-06 Kasper Skrhj * Removed all "unsigned" keywords from produced SQL (non-DBAL compliant) 2004-11-23 Ingmar Schlecht * Finetuning new modularity of the Kickstarter. 2004-11-18 Ingmar Schlecht * Making the Kickstarter modular. - Outsourced all add_cat_*() and renderExtPart_*() functions into separate section classes. - Created ext_localconf.php where all the sections are registered. 2004-08-22 Ingmar Schlecht * Fine-tuning the way of interaction between EM and Kickstarter. -> Added option "Edit in Kickstarter" to the upper right menu in the single extension view of the EM 2004-08-20 Ingmar Schlecht * Initial import to CVS.