[TYPO3-dev] Rendering fluid based plugins without typoscript

NGUYEN Duc Quan quan at apart.lu
Mon Jan 4 18:06:22 CET 2016


Happy new Year!

I am currently trying to improve the development workflow by optimizing my dev skills. I am wondering if it would be possible to render a plugin placed in a content element in the BE without the need to define in typoscript that the plugin should be rendered.

E.g. I have a Plugin X which has an action sayHelloAction which only returns "hello world". When I place the plugin in a content element of a page and then open that page in the browser then the string "hello world" should be displayed. 

Normally I have to define in typoscript something like
    page.10 < tx_myPlugin

I want to eliminates the typoscript step in order to have more flexibility.

Is it possible to render the plugin without the need to tell typoscript what it should render? I think I am missing something really big but I can't figure it out.

Thanks for all the help!

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