[TYPO3-dev] property Mappe, tt_adress

Christian Tauscher christian.tauscher at media-distillery.de
Sat Mar 28 09:58:31 CET 2015


english/german group did not solve the problem, so I giv it a try here:

I want to use the tt_address table in my EXT. Easy? NO!

TYPO3 6.2, all Caches are cleared, confg.no_cache ist set and a 'rm -R 
typo3temp/Cache/*' is done. Even the cache-tables are cleared via 

I get the output in my view exept...

e.g. country is missing.
If I add

  * country
  * @var country
protected $country = '';

the EXT fails with:
#1264093630: Found an invalid element type declaration in %s. A type 
"'country'" does not exist.

Strage: I comment out this line, leave the getter untouched. I get the 
output correct.

image returns nothing.
(DB: its a tinyblob with commaseparated string, changing this to TEXT in 
DB changes nothig.)

If I change the TSsetup, e.g. clearing all the mapping part I expect the 
EXT to fail what does not happen. Why?
e.g. plugin.tx_screenprinting.persistence.mapping >

If I change e.g.
columns.gender.mapOnProperty = gender
columns.gender.mapOnProperty = first_name
I expect  the first_name as ouput for gender.
Nope. Still see the original gender filed.

Next strange thing:
I get the fluid result, all the addresses.
the addresses contain all the fields. Should...
Missing: birthday.
Is this because the field can be negative (UX Timestamp before epoche)?
How can I solve this?
Why is

WTF is going on here? Who can help me to find my mistake.
Or is extbase/persistance still buggy in this way - I cant belive this!?

This issues become very urgent to me. Very very urgend.
All help is welcome before I und up i a concrete basis.... #-(


plugin.tx_screenprinting.persistence {
   storagePid = 18

   classes {
     Tmd\Screenprinting\Domain\Model\Address {

       mapping {
         tableName = tt_address
         recordType = Tmd\Screenprinting\Domain\Model\Address

         columns {
           gender.mapOnProperty = gender
           firstName.mapOnProperty = first_name
           middleName.mapOnProperty = middle_name

namespace Tmd\Screenprinting\Controller;

  * PrintitemController
class AddressController extends 
\TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Mvc\Controller\ActionController {

    * addressRepository
    * @var \Tmd\Screenprinting\Domain\Repository\AddressRepository
    * @inject
   protected $addressRepository = NULL;

    * action list
    * @return void
   public function listAction() {
     $addresses = $this->addressRepository->findAll();
     $this->view->assign('addresses', $addresses);


namespace Tmd\Screenprinting\Domain\Model;
class Address extends \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\DomainObject\AbstractEntity {

      * name
      * @var string
     protected $name = '';
      * first_name
      * @var string
     protected $firstName = '';
      * middle_name
      * @var string
     protected $middleName = '';

.... all the table fields....

      * @return string $string
     public function getName() {
         return $this->name;
      * @param string $name
      * @return void
     public function setName($string) {
         $this->name = $string;
.... getter, setter, too.

namespace Tmd\Screenprinting\Domain\Repository;
  * The repository for Address
class AddressRepository extends 
\TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Repository {}

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