[TYPO3-dev] TYPO3 installation instructions: recommended directory structure

Stefan Padberg post at bergische-webschmiede.de
Wed Aug 26 14:26:25 CEST 2015

Hi community,

I am wondering why the TYPO3 source code should be stored one level
above the document root.

[quote source="installation instructions"]
You end up with the following structure of files:

  htdocs/typo3_src -> ../typo3_src-7.4.x/
  htdocs/typo3 -> typo3_src/typo3/
  htdocs/index.php -> typo3_src/index.php

This allows you to upgrade TYPO3 later by simply replacing the symlink
with a newer version, or by using the integrated "Core Updater" which
can be found in the Install Tool.

This is only practical if TYPO3 is the only software in the public
directory. Often we have a 'typo3'-directory inside of the public
directory. Thus we prefer the following structure:

typo3/typo3_src -> ./typo3_src-7.4.x/
typo3/typo3 -> ./typo3_src/typo3
typo3/index.php -> ./typo3_src/index.php

Are there reasons against this directory structure? Can the integrated
Core Updater handle this structure?

Best regards

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