[TYPO3-dev] tx_news VERY slow in alternative languages

Mark Howells-Mead m.howells-mead at frappant.ch
Tue Sep 16 11:38:37 CEST 2014

Hi there

I have an installation with 3,500 records in a sys folder, split into three sys_language_uid types: 0, 1 and 2. (DE, FR, IT.) Using the tx_news plugin with standard settings pulls in 1,900 entries split onto 10 per page and displays the page within a second or so. All fine.

When I put the same plugin with identical settings on a French page, it wants to load all of the records. Even if I limit the "Max records displayed" to 3, it still fetches the entire data set.

Which takes up to two minutes.

Is there a configuration setting I’ve overseen, which limits the query to the currently active language? This should work on its own, right? This is in TYPO3 6.1.10 with News 2.3.1 on a performant VPS.

Thanks for any tips.

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