[TYPO3-dev] PropertyMapper handling of ObjectStorage in Extbase 6.2

Philipp Schiffmann p.schiffmann at bitmotion.de
Mon Sep 15 16:57:25 CEST 2014


I'm currently developing an extension in Extbase 6.2 and the (rewritten)
property mapper won't convert an array of __identity values to an object
storage. I have two models with a 1:n relation which I want to edit with a
fluid form. However, when I send a request the server dies with this
It is not allowed to map property "__identity".
So far I found out that the ObjectStorageConverter simply attach()es all of
it's convertedChildProperties to a new ObjectStorage and returns it. But:
the property mapper configuration contains no information about the target
type of the __identity array, thus throwing the exception. Is this mapping
not yet implemented? (see this strange TODO:

I probably made a really dumb error, like setting a wrong annotation in my
model or something. Can you point me to an extbase extension that runs
under 6.2 and uses namespaces (blog_example and news both don't) AND sends
1:n or m:n relations via http requests?

Thank you very much!
Best regards
Philipp Schiffmann

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